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I try my best
But I don't ever change

Chapter 04 ~ Memo

    A week after the altercation at the bistro, I realized that things were finally starting to fall into place. Dante had stopped disappearing in the middle of the night and returning at ungodly hours, he started to actually make time for me, and he was even more excited that I was about the talk of potential children. I didn't know what caused this change of heart, other than Dante's claim that it was his version of a mid-life crisis, but I knew that I loved this new and improved husband.

And ever since Dante mentioned children, I had been spending most of my mornings surfing the Internet about baby names and fertility doctors and anything and everything related to those little balls of joy. It had gotten borderline obsessive, but I didn't care. I was more than ready to embark on this next stage of my life, especially with Dante by my side.

"What do you think of Erin?" I blurted out as soon as the name caught my attention on the current baby name website I was browsing. "It can work for a boy and a girl."

Harry, my closest friend since college, crossed the room to join me on the sofa, a beer in hand, and a discerning scowl on his face. "How 'bout you wait until you actually have the baby to name it?" he suggested. "I mean, you haven't even asked your sister if she'd be willing to carry it."

"She'll say yes," I dismissed quickly, even though I wasn't fully positive about that answer. Raina was my twin sister and we knew each other better than we knew ourselves. I wanted to believe that my twin would do anything for my happiness, but she had a young spirit that wanted nothing to do with grown-up stuff. Going nine months without drinking, partying, and sleeping around would be pure torture for her and it'd be selfish of me to ask her to do so.

Harry shrugged. "If you say so."

Letting go of a sigh, I closed my laptop and turned to face him. "Harry, can you just be happy for me? I never thought that Dante would ever want kids and now he does and I'm ... I'm happy. We're happy."

He flicked his intense brown eyes to me. "I am happy for you, Xavier. It's just weird to see you as a parent. It feels like just yesterday when you were sleeping with every girl that looked your way on campus. I always wondered how you could pull on the girls, but I know now that it was because you're gay and girls are attracted to gay guys..." He trailed off when his mind went elsewhere, "...hey, maybe, I should pretend to be gay."

There was a reason why Harry was my one and only good friend. With all the shit that I've been through in college when I was struggling with my identity, he was by my side through it all. We were both psych majors, so Harry always took the advantage of the opportunity to psychoanalyze me and my problems because he claimed it would help him study. And now, nearly six years after grad school, we were even closer than before.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll still be the same person and I promise I'll make time for you."

Harry scoffed loudly. "Oh, you better."

A series of chimes sounded throughout the house, bouncing off the walls to create a never ending echo. I pushed up my sleeve to check the time on my watch. "Oh, shit, I have a client! I totally forgot. Uh, do you mind hanging out in the basement for a half hour or so?"

Harry lifted himself from the sofa and shoved his cell phone in his pocket. "Nah, I think I'll just head home. My head hurts like crazy."

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