Departure and Arrival

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Chapter Twenty-four

Departure and Arrival

“Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life.” --Ann Landers

“Again!” Erik said angrily, shaking his head and folding his arms.

Alana looked away in frustration. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t sing this part of the song without making any mistakes. For once, Erik wasn’t helping; there was something strange about his presence today. He was unusually gloomy and had never been so cross with her during a lesson.

“Sing it again!” He commanded.

Suddenly irritated by his tone, she shot him an angry glance. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

He smirked. “I’m your teacher. What else am I supposed to do?”

“You could be a little nicer about it.”

He sighed. “You’re right. I…apologize.”

“Apology accepted,” Alana said, grinning slightly as she realized she’d won. Something was clearly bothering him though, and that troubled her.

“We’ve done enough for tonight, I suppose. Tomorrow, before we meet again for our lesson, I want you to keep practicing these songs vocally and on the piano. I hope you will give a better performance tomorrow evening, especially if you plan on singing in the choir here.”

His words stung a little, but she already knew she hadn’t done well at all. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I know I’ve disappointed you…but I couldn’t help it! There’s something off about you today…I could see it and it was making me nervous. What’s wrong?”

Erik sighed again. “I’ve had better days.”

“So have I.”

“What happened to you?” He looked concerned.

Alana wasn’t sure she wanted to tell him about what had happened between her and Damien. Or about the warning the Comte’s housekeeper had given her, and what she’d said about Erik having many enemies…that had been bothering her all day. “Nothing worth mentioning. But waiting for that letter from Madame Marguerite is eating me alive.” That had been bothering her as well. Whenever she had a spare moment, she paced the floor, willing it to come sooner. “Something’s eating at you, too. What is it?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Erik said, unfolding his arms and looking at one of the stained glass windows with a pained expression on his face.

She knew that would be his response. She sighed. “It’s all right. I understand. But wait! I have something that might make you feel better! At least, I hope it does.” She took the little envelope from the stack of papers she had brought with her and handed it to Erik.

“What is it?” He asked, confused.

“Open it and see,” Alana said with a grin, hoping with all her heart that he would like what he found.

Erik opened the envelope and took out the invitation, scanning the page. “A ball?”

“Yes, to celebrate the Comte’s birthday.” As she spoke the words she saw his eyes darken mysteriously, and her heart sank. “Oh, please come. It will be so much fun. And it’s fancy dress, so you can come and wear your mask and everything will be all right! You’ll fit in perfectly.”

“I highly doubt that,” Erik said. “I’ve…I’ve never been to a ball before. At least, I‘ve never actually been invited to one.”

“Neither have I,” Alana confessed. “It would be something new for both of us.”

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