why did you hurt me?

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Struggling to control himself, Mickey calmly moved under his bed while his two friends argued with Minnie about the truth and the lies that were shared between Mickey and Minnie.

'Shh please, my ears, my ears.' Grabbing his black ears and pinning them close to his head.Just then glass shattered next to the mouse's feet,slicing open his bare feet.Yelping Mickey curled his body to where he could reach his tiny black padded feet that were now covering the floor in blood.

Gorse Minnie!You cut Mickey's feet open."

"Well he shouldn't have been hiding under the bed then."Her nasty attitude echoed through the small white quarter.

"Quack!Mickey already told you to leave now look what you did you selfish Queen!"Donald was practically at her neck trying to get her to leave the room.

"ENOUGH!ENOUGH of this arguing and enough with the lies!!!!!!"A loud sobbing yell came from beneath the bed. A ton of silence befell the room of the Disney cartoon characters.

Mickey carefully stood up and turned to his beloved friends and shook his head in disappointment leaving all three nobles of his kingdom baffled by his words.

Stumbling to the kitchen Mickey saw Daisy Duck cooking while speaking to Chip and Dale.

"I can't believe it."Squeaked the pure brown chipmunk.

"Yeah!"Chimed in the red nosed one.

"How could Minnie be so cruel to poor Mickey?I mean he never did anything mean to her and yet she thinks it's okay to cheat on him?!?"Daisy still stirring the food on the stove said.

"Have you told him yet Daisy?"Chip jumped onto the counter next to Daisy.

"Well I think he might know already."She just continued cooking still not seeing the mouse but Dale began shuddering and pointing at Mickey.

"Dale will you-"Chip had swung his head around to see why Dale was shuddering about but froze the moment he saw Mickey and his bloody feet.Daisy then turned and gasped.

"Mickey!What happened to your-"

"So you knew too.....Guess that no one tells me til I already know,huh Daisy?"Sadly turning into the back doorway Mickey's face began to fill with tears again but instead of making any sounds Mickey left the kitchen and journeyed outside to the bushes full of green leaves.

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