Chapter Four: Let's Make Ourselves A Home

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"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down..."

Ethan and I decided it would be best if I moved in after New Years. I still had to let my landlord know of the situation and all that.

After the whole family dinner thing, I spent most of my time at my fiancee's house. He pampered me to no end and was at my beck and call. I had to schedule an appointment at the doctor's office for a sonogram and I wanted the it at least after my second month.

Leaving the idea of having to make appointments, I turned on the news. Suddenly, my stomach churned with an uneasy feeling as a thought attacked my brain.

"Hey, babe? What are we going to tell the work place? What if the tabloids find out?!" My mind instantly reeled at the thought.

"Where did that thought come from? The truth of course. What else?" Ethan gave me an easy smile. I guess the startled look on my face made him see how scared I really was. "We don't have to tell the work place anytime soon. You don't even have a baby bump yet. Trust me Honey, we'll be okay."

I was still a bit worried, but I nodded and gave him a small smile.


About a week after New Years, which was spent watching the ball drop and sharing kisses, I started moving my stuff into Ethan's place. My grumpy landlord had no other choice but to let me move out because my lease was up anyway. He cursed me out under his breath and I laughed. He seemed like he wanted to punch me in the face.

"Toodles!" I winked and wiggled my fingers as he flipped off and I was off to empty my apartment.

I didn't have much, just clothing and toiletries really. It was easy to pack in a suitcase or two and be done.

It was so much harder.

I had more clothes than I thought. I had a lot of pan suits, pencil skirts, blouses, dresses, and a Hell of a ton of jeans and band-tees. I groaned as I whipped out my phone to call Ethan.

"There's too much," I whined over the phone, "come and help me." He sighed and then agreed, saying he would be over soon.

He entered just as I finished packing my make up. He eye balled me for a second before striding over to my suitcases.

"Damn," he whistled, "you got a lot of clothes. I'm sure we can pack it all, though." After an hour or two, Ethan and I finally finished all my packing. We shoved it into his trunk and were on our merry way.

"I'm so happy I'm moving in. My landlord was kind of an ass, anyway," I chuckled. Ethan took my hand in his and gave me a light smile.

"I am, too. Well, I'm happy you're moving in, I'm not an ass though." We both laughed. It wasn't long until we got to his, I mean our house.

We got out of the car and I went to start unloading, but Ethan stopped me.

"What?" I questioned.

"You're pregnant, no heavy lifting." My face dropped and I gave him a "really?" look.

"Honey, I'm only about two months in, I'll be okay." I proved my point by grabbing a couple bags and making my way to the door. We finished unloading in record time thankfully, but then there was the unpacking of the boxes.

"Break?" Ethan suggested. I flopped on to our bed and relaxed. He brought us up some food to snack on before we started working again. It took a bit to unpack all my things, but it got done.

"Finally finished. Hell yeah," I sighed. Ethan chuckled right next to me as we snuggled on the couch in the living room. The TV was playing a random show, but we weren't really paying attention. I took a quick glance at the clock on the wall.

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