Chapter 9

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                             didn't save the first time so this is try numero dos. :)

Fingers crossed it decides to save this time... :D

Here's chapter...9...attempt 2.



 Tyler's Point of View...

"What's Earth like?" Charlie blurted, a grin spreading across his pale face. I laughed, not really sure how to answer him.

"What's that question mean?"

"I just wanna know about it! Tell me everything!" His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. I chewed on my lip. How in the world are you supposed to tell someone about Earth when they have no idea what a car is?

"You know what drugs are, right?"

"I may not be human, but I know what drugs are."

"Okay...So, people on Earth like to do drugs and things like that. Some also like to drink alcohol a lot and they party until they throw up on each other." I laughed, remembering the parties Will used to drag me to.

"...Really? That sounds disgusting but fun! Can I come?"

"Come party with us?"


"Uh...sure. I'm not sure how I'm gonna get back though." I said, shoving my hands in the pockets of my red basketball shorts. Charlie grinned.

"There's a way...You just gotta promise I'll be able to come with you."

"I promise."

"YAY!" Charlie grinned again.


Alex's Point of View...

It had been almost a month since Tyler went missing. She went missing from the hospital. Her eyes got really orange, she stood, and then walked out. No one has seen her since then.

"Alex, go to bed... You need your sleep." James appeared next to me and put an arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him and felt my eyes watering. He kissed my forehead before pulling on my hands and helping me stand.

"I'm not tired." I complained, letting him pull me towards my room. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I know a lie when I see one..." He said, pushing me down onto the bed and pulling the covers around me. I smiled through my tears.

"I love you..." He whispered, kneeling by my bedside.

"I love you too."

"Well isn't this a nice thing to come home to." A familiar female voice said quietly from the doorway. I sat up, throwing the covers aside.

"TYLER!" I screamed, jumping onto her. She laughed and hugged me back. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! IT'S BEEN A MONTH SINCE WE'VE LAST SEEN YOU! YOU MISSED CALLIE'S FUNERAL!" My voice drew my parents, Tommy, and Cameron from their rooms. Tyler's face paled.

"What? I was only gone for a few hours." A boy stepped out of the shadows and put a hand on her shoulder.

"There's a time difference... Prim must've forgotten to tell you."

"Who the hell is that?!" I gestured to the boy touching her and she laughed. The boy stared at me.

"Is that Alex?"

"Yeah... Charlie, meet my over-protective twin Alex. Alex, meet Charlie."

"Hi, Charlie."

"Hello, Alex!" He shook my hand politely and looked back at Tyler.

"Go talk to your mother, she'll tell you everything you'll need to know. Judging by the look on her face, she knows you know."  Tyler looked over at our mom and she dragged her upstairs towards the attic.

"Now, who are you and how do you know my sister?"


Tyler's Point of View...

My mom sighed and sat me down on the couch. I gulped, my fear rising like smoke. Her brown eyes glittered as she touched my hand gingerly.

"Tyler...I know you have a lot of questions..."

"HELL YEAH I HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T I LEARN ABOUT THIS EARLIER!?" I screamed, jumping up and glaring at her. Her eyes glazed over and flashed green.

"Tyler Marie...sit down now."

"Why the hell should I?!"

"Because I need to tell you something..."


"Your sister's death wasn't suicide..."

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