Chapter 5

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I love this story...UPDATING!:D



Who the hell does this chick think she is?! I could flatten her ass in ten seconds.

"Did you hear me, Tyler?" She smirked, applying a coat of lip gloss onto her plump lips. I bit the inside of my cheek. The coppery taste of blood seeped into my mouth.

"Yes, I did." I snarled, narrowing my eyes at her. She yet again popped another piece of gum into her mouth. I swear, if she shoves another piece of gum into that nasty mouth of hers, I'm going to kick her in the face. Not even that purple girl from Willy Wonka--Violet, the gum chewer--could chew that much gum. It grossed me out.

"I'm never trying out for your team of skanks." I hissed, pulling my Chemistry book out of my locker. She rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler..." Her voice grew cold, icy. "You will try out...and you will make it. Either that or Will may mysteriously become mine." Whatever this girl is smoking, she better stop. There was no way she'd get Will...But then again, I wouldn't want to see if she really could.

I released my cheek from between my teeth. "Fine. I'll try out for your league of skanks...but lay one finger on Will, and I will make sure you will never see another day."

"Oh... We'll see..." She smirked and skipped off to her little crowd of skanks. I ground my teeth, slammed my locker shut, and turned to walk to Chemistry. I ran into something hard and backed up, rubbing my nose.



"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed, looking around to see if Amber was anywhere nearby. I'd be in deep trouble if she did... A familiar blond head of hair turned down the hall and I shoved Will away from me, running down the hall towards the Chemistry room. I didn't dare peak over my shoulder to look at him. This was going to be harder than I thought...


I fussed with the super short cheer skirt, pulling and tugging it lower on my body. It was so short! It barely covered my ass! A pair of hands jerked my wrists away from the little white skirt. I looked up to see...Amber. Gee, what a lovely surprise! Note, that last part was all sarcasm. She'd forced me to try out for the squad of sluts and to be honest, I had been getting a lot of guy attention since then. Guys noticed me and acted if I was Amber. I liked it. Will and I still hadn't spoken in over two months, thanks to Amber.

"Come on Ty! It's time to go! It's halftime!" Amber called, pulling on my arm. We ran out onto the field and everyone started screaming. I had gotten used to it after three or four games. I did a back flip, something I'd never thought I'd ever be able to do before.

"Tyler!" An all too familiar voice shouted my name. I turned to see an electric pair of green eyes meet mine. Will... Figures. He was sweaty beyond belief, wearing his football gear, and holding his helmet in one hand. I frowned and tried to run away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Amber's go--" His hand went over my mouth. He hadn't touched or talked to me in over two months...Hell, he wouldn't even look at me! Why was he doing it ALL now?!

"Amber's the one behind all of this?" I narrowed my eyes at him, nodding slightly. "So she's the one telling me nasty things that you've supposedly said? She said you told her things about me...Like I've slept with every girl in the school, that I'm a closet gay, that I kick puppies, and other bad things. PLEASE tell me you didn't say any of that!" I shook my head, my eyes watering and blurring my vision.

"I said none of that Will...Amber said that I'd better try out for the cheer squad or she'd take you away from me. I guess, by doing what she said, I ended up losing you. I just couldn't stand seeing you two together. So, I tried out and some how made the squad..." I paused, licking my lip gloss coated lips. "I didn't want to lose you, Will."

Will said nothing and just stared at the ground. Why wasn't he saying anything?! WHY?! God dammit...

I spun on my heel, turning back towards the field. An arm jerked me backwards by my wrist. Suddenly my body was pinned against his and he was kissing me for the second time. 

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