Chapter 7- Part One

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Yes'm, I'm back y'all! :D It's been a while since an update.... I feel bad XD

I'm a cow. I realize this. Moo. :P


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(Tyler's P.O.V)

"You shit heads! make him put me down!" I screamed, beating Will's back with my fists. James and Alex kept laughing and throwing popcorn at me. Which, of course, was getting stuck in my hair. Since they were of the male variety, they didn't know how hard it was to keep all of my hair clean and tangle free. Now, here they were, throwing perfectly good popcorn at my hair. Assholes...

"Nah, no thanks, Ty. I quite enjoy watching you squirm." I looked up from trying to beat Will into letting me go and met Alex's gaze.

"You wanna test me?" I growled, glaring at him. He shrank back into the big red sofa, pulling James in front of him like some sort of human shield. Yeah, no. That shit doesn't work on me. I threw myself forward, making Will lose his grip on me. I fell onto the floor, rolling on the soft beige carpet, landing in a crouch.

"You look really bad-ass, sis." Alex's small voice came up from behind James. I raised an eyebrow and let a smirk dance across my pale pink lips. I moved my head to the left so slightly that you could barely tell I moved. James nodded and scooted over.

A loud cry escaped my lips as I pounced onto my brother. His eyes grew huge as I pushed him off the couch and started to hit him in the shoulders. His eyes narrowed and he rolled over so he was pinning me to the ground. Finally he grew some balls and decided to fight back! This was better!

He straddled my stomach, pinning my arms above my head. Silly boy...He forgot about my legs. I swung my foot up, knocking him in the head. He squealed and jumped off of me, rubbing the back of his head.

"That wasn't very nice." He mumbled, pouting at me. I rolled my eyes, scoffing.

"You're such a faker." I mumbled, flicking him in the head with one of my crimson nails. "Let's go play some basketball or something... Being couped up in this house is boring me." James rolled his eyes, smacking me with a pillow.

"How about a movie?" Will suggested, smacking James in the back of the head. He gave him a short glare before turning back to Alex and I on the other side of the couch. I looked at Alex who just shrugged.

"Oh! I have a good movie to watch..." I said, standing from the couch and walking over to the movie cabinet. Turning over my shoulder, I sent a smirk in Will' direction. He sank back into the red couch, a scared look on his face.

"Ty, is this that video you showed me over the summer in sophomore year?" Alex asked, a smile spreading across his face. I laughed and nodded, pulling the orange DVD case out. The disc player slid shut, its tray containing Will's worst nightmare.

Soft classical music began to play as the little boy on the screen twirled around on the stage. His smile was wide and happy, signalling he was having fun dancing. The dance costume he was wearing--a pastel green and white tuxedo with a matching bow-tie, covered in sequins--sparkled under the stage lights.

All of the color drained from Will's face as he realized what this video was. Yes everyone, William Garcia was a ballerina! This particular video was from his very first recital. I'd manged to get all of the videos from his mother before Will found out. He would--and now is--be mortified.

"W-Where did you get this?" He stumbled over his words like logs in a dark forest. I grinned smugly, not revealing my sources. His eyes narrowed and he pulled me towards him.

"A true magician never reveals their secrets." I said and stood up from the couch, walking out of the room. My footsteps echoed around the vast ceilings and the cool air circulating around made my sticky skin happy.

A strangled cry came from the kitchen, followed by a thud and sobbing. I ran into the kitchen to see my mother in jeans and a sweater, curled up on the mint tiles. She was clutching the cross she always wore around her neck. Our father had given it to her on their tenth anniversary three years ago. The diamonds and sapphires were still shined in the light and my mother's eyes glittered every time she looked at it.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked, fear filling my own voice. She blinked, tears falling down her normally calm face. Alex stood next to me, clutching at me in fear. I knew we both were feeling the same things. Something was really wrong. Our mother never cried. It was only during death or a time of great sorrow did she ever shed a tear.

"We need to go to the hospital... Your sister tried to commit suicide. The doctors and nurses are trying to give her transfusions as we speak. Will and James are welcome to come, but we have to leave now." My face paled and I felt sick to my stomach.

Alex and I were the youngest of five. The oldest of us was our brother, Cameron. He was twenty-six and lived in Columbine Valley, Colorado with his wife, Mandy, and his eleven year old daughter, Lily. Then there was Thomas. He was twenty and lived in Jacksonville, Florida with his son Riley. Then there was Callie, our only sister. At age twenty-two, she lived in Auburn, New Hampshire. Which, coincidentaly, was only a half hour away.

Callie and I had always been close. When I was having troubles with anything, I'd go to her. She was only five years older than me and knew about a lot of what I was going through. Then, when I got bored with the boys, she'd take me outside and play sports with me. She meant the world to me. I couldn't lose her. It'd be like losing Alex.

My nausea took hold of me and wouldn't let go. As I slid on my favorite black zip-up hoodie and red, black and white Nikes, I felt tears run down my face. I blinked away the tears, straightening out my red basketball shorts.

"Come on." My mother said quietly from the door, gesturing to the garage door. We hadn't even reached the car yet and I noticed she had bags forming under her eyes. I took her hand in mine, giving it a little squeeze. She smiled through her tears and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"She'll make it mom...I know it." I whispered. She closed her eyes and gave me a quick hug before climbing into our rusty orangey-red pickup truck. I opened the backseat doors and climbed in after the boys. Will was sitting in the passenger seat next to my mom. I pulled my hood up over my head, leaning on Alex's shoulder. He put his arm around me and I saw tears glistening in his eyes too. There wasn't a person in the truck who wasn't crying.

Despite what I'd told my mother, I was still doubting she'd make it. The hospital told her Callie cut her arms open vertically. There was a small chance of her survival but we shouldn't lose hope.

A rumble of thunder, followed by lightning, opened up the clouds and soon it was pouring. How fitting. I thought to myself, holding onto Alex and letting the tears flow down my face into his shirt.

"She'll be okay, Ty." Alex whispered, rubbing my arm. I sniffled, wiping my tears on the back of my sweatshirt. I pressed my fingers to the cold glass window, looking for the hospital to come into sight. I sighed, not seeing anything but the road, endless green hills, tall oak trees, and rain.

I put my head back on Alex's shoulder and let my eyelids close. Maybe this was just a dream and I'd wake up in the movie room surrounded by my family and friends... I highly doubted it though. As I fell asleep, I felt someone kiss my forehead and tell me everything was going to get better, I just had to have hope.


I woke up to James shaking my shoulder gently and tear stains on my cheeks. I quickly hopped out of the car, running to the entrance of the hospital and taking my mother's hand. She locked the car and walked inside.

It amazed me how calm she was now, than how she was only fourty-five minutes ago. How was she so calm...? Or, was she pushing it down and being strong for the rest of us.

"Cathrine Thomson, please." She told the curvy nurse sitting in a blue office chair. The nurse looked up, her gold flecked blue eyes shining in the artificial lights.

"Room 116 in the ICU." She said boredly, pointing around the corner. We all started to walk down the hall, fearing for Callie's life.

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