Chapter 8: Pharaoh's Secret Admier

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     Ah, just talking to my love, Catty, again made me go so batty if that even made any sense at all. I just chilled out for a couple of minutes in my clawsome room all by myself. It was so good to have some soothing relaxation sometimes.
     Suddenly, at an unsuspected time, a new letter flew right into my room from the opened window. Could it be from the secret admirer? How mysterious.

Hello my sweet Pharaoh!
     It is me, your special secret admirer! Oh, I love you so so so much that I couldn't just wait until Monday to play around with you again! Here's a brand new note! Find the next one in your un-living room!
                                   Your secret admirer

     Oh my ghoul, how in the whole monster world would she get into my house? How did she know where my house was? I wondered if I should go to the un-living room and find the next note or if I should just lay low and wait until Monday to read a new letter. I decided to walk right over to the un-living room and find the newest letter. I saw it right there on the sofa. I picked up the strange thing.

Dear lovely boy,
     As you already know, I've been keeping my hazel eyes on you! Are you wondering how I even got in your un-living room? Come outside in the backyard! Look right by the stairs for your next love letter!
                                              Your true love

How creepy was that? Not creepy as in creepy-cool. Creepy as in creepy-creepy! Who could this secret admirer be? She said she had hazel eyes. Who had hazel eyes that I knew?
I stepped outside and took a deep breath of air. Sitting in front of me on the steps was yet another un-opened letter. I opened it up and read aloud to myself,

Guess what baby?
Look right behind you, love!
You'll see who😉

I was really scared now. My heart was beating so quickly in my chest. I heard someone breathing softly behind my back. I turned around slowly and to my surprise, my great friend, Nephthys, stood right in front of my eyes.
"Neph, Nephthys?" I stood up, shocked, "Are you my, um, my," I could barely even speak. The sweet mummy stood there, just faintly smiling. Was she really my secret admirer? Was the mystery solved?
"Yes, I am," she told me very straightforward.
"But, why?" I asked. "Don't you know that I have a ghoulfriend?"
She sighed, "Look Pharaoh, I know you really like her-"
"I love her! I love her with all my heart!" I furrowed my brow. "Sorry, uh, please just go on."
"As I was saying," she started again, "I know you really, well, love her but I've known you for a long time and I kind of really always loved you. I loved you ever sense we were young kids, Pharaoh. I still can't believe you have a ghoulfriend now and she's not me." She looked away as if she were about to cry. "I thought that maybe I could drive you away from your ghoulfriend, Catty, by writing you secret admirer notes. I regret doing that now because that's not that very nice and I know that you'd never love me back." Nephthys began to cry. What was I going to do? I surely didn't have any idea what.
"Hey, Neph, don't cry. Look at me. We're best friends," I tried to cheer her up but it wouldn't work. "Nephthys-"
"Pharaoh!" she cried, "No matter what I do, you'll never love me because now you have a ghoulfriend and-" I kissed her. I kissed her right on the lips. I had not clue what the ghoul was going through my brain at that very moment. I thought, well I actually kind of knew that I didn't have any other choice. How else was I supposed to stop a girl who loves me from crying? She loved me. She really actually loved me. I had to let her feel loved too.
"What was that for?" she asked me.
I stuttered, "Um, you were upset and I didn't know what else to do."
"I won't tell anyone you did that," she started to smile a little bit, "but I kind of liked it. Uh, this is weird asking but did you?" I didn't know how to answer that.
I looked right into her hazel eyes, "Look Neph. You're amazing but I know that Catty Noir has my heart. I'm just not so very sure if I liked what I just did or not. If Catty finds out about it though then she may break up with me." Oh no, why did I just tell her that? What if she told Catty about how I kissed her somehow? She was my trustworthy friend. She wouldn't do anything like that to me. Would she?
"I really love you but I know you love her. Thank you though for, um, kissing me," Nephthys said. We looked at each other silently for a moment and then suddenly, she just ran away. She ran probably right from my backyard just to her house. What could have been going through her mind at the moment?
     I sighed and plopped myself down on the stairs. I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about Catty finding out about that kiss. I didn't really want to kiss Nephthys but I did want to make her happy. It would have been a complete waste of she was not happy.
     I didn't know what to do. I truly loved Catty and right there and then, I feared about losing her. What if I really did lose her all because of one silly kiss?
     I sat there thinking for a long while until I got so tired that I just marched all the way to my room. I fell right into my soft bed and went to sleep for the night. 

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