Chapter 5: Catty's Frightday

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I couldn't really believe it but the week went by oh so quickly that I couldn't keep up with it anymore. Finally, it was Frightday, the last day of the week!
     "Hey there mate! Did you hear the great news?" Lagoona asked me in the halls of Monster High.
     I shook my head, "No, I haven't. Well, what is this news?" Hmm, I wondered what it could be. Could it have to do with music? Could it have to do with Pharaoh?
     "Draculaura's having a slumber party over at her place and you, my friend, are invited!" Lagoona smiled widely. Oh, it wasn't about Pharaoh. It did sound clawsome though!
     "Oh, oh my ghoul! That sounds spooktacular!" I was so happy about it. I haven't been to a slumber party in such a long time! "Who else is going to the sleepover party?" I asked.
     "Oh, well, Cleo, Clawdeen, me, Ghoulia, Frankie, of course Draculaura, Abbey, and I," she replied, "Oh, and Clawdeen's sister, Howleen and her friend, wanted to come as well. A few other ghoulfriends of ours are coming along too." Ooh, it sounded like fun! I would get to spend a lot of time with some of my favorite ghoulfriends!
     "Yay, I can't wait, pal!" Then, I walked over to my first class of the day. Nobody knew the answer to one of the questions that the teacher, Mr. Hack, was asking. Jackson Jekyll, the school nerd, had been late that morning. Hmm, that was a first.
     Maybe he had heard some music on his way to school and turned into Holt Hyde. I never understood exactly how it happened but Jackson and Holt were two different mansters, Jackson was a normie though. Whenever music came on, Jackson would morph into Holt Hyde.
They wouldn't have ever known that they were able to do that scientific thing if it weren't for my friend, Frankie Stein.
     Suddenly, Holt ran right into class blaring music on a ginormous beat box. Oh my ghoul, he was playing a song by Pharaoh and I! It made me sad to think about how I would not be able to sing with my love for a really long while.
     "Yo yo yo everybody! Holt Hyde is now in the house! I think it's time for a party!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
     "Aye! You there!" Mr. Hack furrowed his brow, "Jackson Jekyll or Holt Hyde, I really don't care who you are at the moment but you're both marked late! Do you know that if you get marked late five times or more then you will find yourself in after school detention?" Laughter came across from most of the students in the room. I didn't laugh or even giggle just a little. I didn't even see what was so amusing about how Jackson or Holt would end up in detention.
Later on that day, it was lunchtime. I had been starving and craving some food! This time, I sat with my fellow friends, Venus McFlytrap and Batsy Claro. They sure were ghouls for the environment! They were such nice and caring ghouls.
"Catty, guess what?" Venus asked me as I sat next to her with my lunch tray in my hands.
     "What is it?" I asked her back.
     Venus stroked through her pretty green and pink hair and said, "Batsy and I were invited to Draculaura's slumber party tonight!"
     "We will see you there!" Batsy exclaimed.
     "I'm so excited for the party and it is gonna be tonight!" Venus smiled with lots of joy. I was very excited as well. This sleepover would be fun and a really good distraction from being upset about missing Pharaoh, my love.
     I told my friends, Venus and Batsy, "I really can't wait. I haven't been to a sleepover in ages!"
     "We are going to have the best time ever! Oh my ghoul, may you please sing us a lot of songs at the sleepover?" Venus questioned.
     "We can do karaoke too!" Batsy chimed in, "I would die for karaoke! That's how much I love it!"
     "Yes, Venus and yes, Batsy. We can do anything and everything that anyone wants to. That's what Draculaura texted me last night," I told both of my nice friends. I seriously could not wait for the party to start. The day just seemed to be lasting forever!
     But then, Pharaoh popped up into my head once again. I missed him like how every night, the stars missed the sun. I needed him like how everybody needed oxygen in order to breath. Well, mostly everybody needed oxygen to breath at least. I loved him like no one else loved anyone or anything. Words were not able to explain the amazing and rare feeling that I felt specially just for him. I wasn't able to feel that way about anyone else that I have ever met in my whole entire life in the whole entire world. Maybe even the whole entire universe!
     "Catty! Catty, are you with us?" I heard Batsy and Venus shout. Oh my good ghoul. I realized that they had been shouting at me for a long while. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts about my boofriend.
     "Yes, I am definitely here. I'm so sorry, I was just randomly daydreaming. What do you want ghouls?" I tried to smile to seem in the moment.
     Venus said to me worriedly, "The bell rang and everyone else is in their next class. We were waiting for you, ghoul! Now we're all late!"
     "Come on, let's go!" Batsy opened the door and we all scampered away to our next classes. "We just couldn't leave you behind like that, Catty! That's not what friends do!"
     "Aw," I gleamed, "You ghouls absolutely did not have to wait for me. It would have been perfectly fine if you just left. Now you have to be late as well!"
     "Oh, don't worry about it," replied Venus.
     "Yeah, it's nothing!" Batsy said to me.
     Finally, school let out. The sleepover was just about to begin.

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