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zaynmalik: Hey, babygirl 😏

prettystyles: I prefer baby doll, If you don't mind daddy.

zaynmalik: It's okay, I was going to get you some panties today ):

zaynmalik: the new guy accidentally brought me men boxers. Ew. 😥

prettystyles: Awe, did you keep em? 👅💦

prettystyles: I want picture of you also daddy, wanna see how hard you are for me. 💖

zaynmalik: DONT make daddy excited. I'm truly upset, your panties have to wait. 😖😣.

prettystyles: It's okay daddy. I have plenty here.

zaynmalik: these are pure silk. The best for you baby. 😘

prettystyles: You're making me blush

prettystyles: I feel important

prettystyles: 😚😚😚

zaynmalik: You should feel important, so its ok.

prettystyles: oh (:

zaynmalik: what are you doing anyways?

prettystyles: watering my plants, 😊

zaynmalik: Oh that's cute

zaynmalik: anything else ?

prettystyles: texting

zaynmalik: oh, who? Just me? (;

prettystyles: yep . hey wanna hear a joke?

zaynmalik: Hmmm

prettystyles: What do you call the slutty gardener

zaynmalik: what?

prettystyles: a . HOE.

zaynmalik: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You're beautiful, and funny. God dmn.

prettystyles: send me a pic (;



zaynmalik: my bodyguards were escorting me out my house...got a little crowded .

zaynmalik: the girl gave me a bag of Chips. (:

prettystyles: you have fans? Wtf

prettystyles: where do you work. What do you do for a living?

zaynmalik: you'll find out

zaynmalik: not yet ;) but you will

prettystyles: do you sing?

zaynmalik: singing is for bitches

prettystyles: I sing

zaynmalik: singing is for cute adorable not bitches

zaynmalik: (: sorry my keyboard fucked up the first time...haha

zaynmalik: silly keyboard

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