A is for Anger

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Great. That's what I needed. More responsibility.

"Oh crap..." I whispered.

"Oh crap, indeed." Rob said, tapping his foot repeatedly on the ground.

With a little discomfort, I managed to get myself up.

"Now 'Hakem' is never going to give us a rest." Rob continued. "Happy?"

I stared at him in disbelief. "What do you want from me? Not be an airbender? "

The rest of the group started looking at each other awkwardly, while Rob continued his crazy parade.

"You don't know the trouble you just brought to us, to all of us!"

Anger started boiling up inside me. The air in the room shifted lightly.

"Hey! It's not like I did it on purpose!"

"Well you were so eager to learn about your spirit."

"You were the one that wanted me to be trained!" I yelled.

"Our spirits told us to!" Rob yelled back. "We were having enough trouble on our own!"

The ground started shaking. Oh no you son of a bitch! I thought. Two can play this game.

The air in the bedroom went crazy, even though there were no windows in it.

"Enough!" Jack desperately tried to stop us.

"Oh! You trying to threaten me?!" Rob asked. He put his fist together and came at me, but I made the air thicker around me and pushed it back at him, sending him to the end of the room.

I felt offended. I just knew about my powers, just found my spirit, and Rob was dicking about the fact that I was some kind of danger.

I got up on my feet and said: "Maybe you're just intimidated by the fact that there is someone as strong as you in here! You just need to accept the fact that there is two element benders, that can protect this warehouse better than before. Either that or I can leave. Which by the way I'm doing right now."

He was still on the ground but the look on his face made it clear that he lost this fight.

I stormed out of the warehouse and went for a walk in the woods, slapping branches that stood in my was, followed moments later by Maddie, calling my name.

"Maddie, now is not the time!" I started.

"Luke please, just listen to me!" She pleaded. I stopped and crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't know why Rob was such a dick but you didn't have to throw his attitude back at him."

"What do you want me to do? Let him humiliate me in front of you guys for something I am?"

"No, but I don't want you to throw him out to the end of the room without hearing his side of-"

"Of what? His sudden sickness? His outrage?"

Maddie stood there for a second.

"Well, yeah."

I snorted while she gave me one of her light laughs.

"Come on, please, let's go back to the warehouse." She said gently as she grabbed my arm.

"No way in hell!" I was so furious I couldn't stand the thought of being in the same space as Rob.

"Okay fine, let's stay here and do what?"

"Wait till I calm down."


She looked at my face. "Yeah, you're serious."

After a while I agreed to go back to the warehouse on the condition of me not talking to Rob. Apperently, he made that same condition.

Two whole days passed and me and the earth penis were glaring at each other. The rest of the group didn't know what to do. Jack tried to make me apologize to Rob, but I sure as hell wouldn't. My pride (or what's left of it) had been hurt, and apologizing wasn't going to heal it.

But I knew something was true. 'Hakem' was going to launch an attack sooner or later, since I made my move and unleashed my spirit.

So one night, I cleared my throat and said to the entire group: "We all need to get stronger."

"No shit, Sherlock." Rob muttered. I was about to reply but Jack interrupted us.

"He's right. We can't keep up with another attack. The next one will be massive as hell now that they know we all have access to our spirits. The only surprise up our sleeve is Luke's power."

"Yes!" I said proudly. "Airbending." I looked at Rob, expecting a fight, but Leena jumped up and said:

"Okay, but how? As far as we know, we have reached quite a good level with our powers."

"Wrong." Maddie said. "Luke, remember that shield thing power from your memories?"

"That's what I was thinking in the first place."

I told them about the fight between my mom and our attacker two years ago, and the shield he created. Even Rob seemed interested.

"Okay, so we start searching for whoever can help us." He said to the others, ignoring me, but I didn't give it much attention.

I went down the computer room moments later.

"I noticed you didn't give any comment on that subject." I darkly told Roy. I was eying him the whole conversation, and he looked like a cornered rat. Even when we were alone, he didn't answer me. "I know there's something you know that we don't. Even if you're not gonna admit it." Still no answer. "I won't tell them anything, I swear, but you gotta help us here. At least me. I'm really-"

"Okay what do you want Luke? You want me to jump back to my past?" Roy yelled. When he turned, tears were threatening the corners of his eyes. "What if I tell you to go back to that mental hospital of yours, huh?"

Ouch, touchy subject. I thought.

"Roy, I'm sorry, but-"

"No you're not! You just barge into people's lives without thinking about personal space or whatever!" He screamed. I could swear his scorpion got out of his body for a second, and tendrils of electricity were shooting out of him.

I knew I should be careful, because not only could he electrocute me, but he could actually paralyse me. I saw him do that to some attackers before. Plus I had to remind myself that electricity was as important as all the other elements, yet it's not counted as one.

I looked at him with a sad expression. I know how getting pushed back to your past affects you. Not pretty.

Roy took a couple of deep breaths, blinked the tears out of his eyes, then told me: "I'm sorry. Excuse me I didn't mean to."

"Hey, it's okay. I should be the one who's sorry." I got closer to him, and put my hand on his shoulder. "Let me guess. To get stronger, we need to deal with someone from your drug problem guys."

He chuckled. "I wish. We need to deal with the people who got me to interact with drugs. My parents. In Chinatown."

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