Escape Gone Wrong

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I woke up with tears streaming down my face. Yes, I was crying. That snake I saw in my dreams was one of the reasons I was stuck at that hospital. 'It' showing in my dream wasn't a good sign.

Alice noticed me. She came with a worried expression on her face, but I immediately pulled myself together and gave her an awkward smile. She told me that I was good to leave the infirmary.

Little did she know that I was leaving the hospital.

But I had my doubts. I mean, how was Jack expecting us to leave it without anybody noticing? It's not like Dr. Paul was going to give us the keys and set us free. And even if he did, the security guards were pretty tight out at the entrance.

"We will leave at 5 p.m.", Jack whispered to me at lunch. I was starting to question his sanity.

Maybe we were both crazy. I shook that idea out of my head as soon as I remembered the falcon. I saw it (him, sorry Jack), and he saw me.

I looked at my room for the last time, thinking about all the time I wasted here, feeling miserable. But what was about to happen now? I got so used to the loneliness, the pills, the awful music that I was scared to get out.

So I did something that even surprised me. I stacked a pack of pills in my pocket, and stole a bunch from the other rooms. At least that's one thing that won't change.

It felt forever until the clock said 5 p.m., but when it finally did, I waited for Jack in front of my room. He ushered me back in.

"Umm, we're leaving, right?" I started.

He closed his eyes, and a small miracle happened right in front of me. The blue falcon came out of Jack's body. I couldn't help but stare at it with amazement, and you should know how beautiful all of this was because I never use the word 'amazement'.

"Go tell the others we're ready to go" Jack whispered to the falcon. It-he looked at me with a sad look, and left off, flying through the closed window.

"The others are..." I asked.

"Oh you will meet them when we get out!" Jack replied, excitement filling his eyes. "They're the best. Well except for Maddie, she's a bit cranky. She reminds me of you, actually"


He laughed. Then he took a more serious look and said: "Come on, we can't waste time."

The way from my room to the entrance was long, and you'd have to pass through a lot of offices, which of course, you're not allowed.

But Jack didn't seem all that nervous.

"How are we-" I started.

But I faltered when he stuck his head through the wall. Litteraly through the wall, like a ghost. I tried to scream but he immediately put his hand on my mouth.

"What the fuck are you?!" I whispered.

"Oh please, you'll see a lot more freakish stuff than this! Now give me your hand."

"What?! I'm not giving you my hand, Casper!"

"Stop being a wuss, it's not like we're on a date! Do you want to get out of here or what?"

He got me. Reluctantly, I gave him my hand, and we rushed through the walls passing from one office to another, making sure that nobody (sane) was watching us.

If you want to know how it feels, to go through a wall, well it's kind of like walking through coloured air. I mean, I could feel the coolness of the walls, but I didn't see anything while we were "in them". I hope that made sense.

It seemed to take forever, but there we were, in the coridor of the entrance.

"Leave me alone!" I cried, a year ago. I kept struggling between the hands of whoever was holding me by my arms. They walked me down that coridor, and the last I saw was my father signing some papers.
He really thought I was crazy.
He didn't believe me. His own son.
"I HATE YOU!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. "I will kill you as soon as I get out, you piece of shit!"
He chuckled.
That's when I knew my father actually hated me.

A cold rush went through my body. But it wasn't the memory of that dick that caused it.

"A presence", I suddenly said.

"What?" Jack looked at me, confused.

"There's someone, or something."

I could feel it. It was right behind us. There on the floor, lied a 5 foot python. The same one from my past, and my dreams.

"Son of a bitch!" Jack said.

"Luke?" Someone called behind me.

Alice just came out of one of the secretaria's office.

"Umm, you know you guys aren't supposed to be here..." she said casually, as if nothing is wrong.

"She can't see it." I told Jack, who was cautiously stepping away from the python. He gave me a "You don't say look."

"See what?" The nurse asked, slightly confused.

"What do we do?" I asked Jack.

"Run!" He said.

We both headed to the entrance door, and I dragged Alice along with us, the python hissing behind us. Jack opened the door, but Alice grabbed me.

"Okay, you have gone too f-"

She faltered, and her eyes grew wide open as the python leaped and bit her on her back.

"NO!" I yelled.

But the animal continued to make its way through her body, right to her heart. Blood splashed everywhere, and even though I wanted to help, I knew it was too late.

"Luke, come on we don't have much time! Anyone who will see this will blame us unless we don't run!" Jack said.

He was right. As much as it pained me, I left the snake feast on Alice's body and followed Jack towards two people I didn't know.

"Luke, hold on tight! Whatever happens don't let go!" Jack yelled to my right.

We stood in a circle, and I took Jack's and some blond girl's hand. The girl next to me closed her eyes real tight, and the next thing I knew, the ground was yanked out of my feet, and I was spinning at the speed of light.

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