Chapter 17

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Me: this is just a small chapter

Nissy: yeah what ever


Tsurugi's pov

I laid on my bed just after I ate dinner with Okaa-san (well since his dad is always late at work)

Then I started to think. What's my real feelings toward quarterback?

I don't know...

Maybe I do like her...

Isn't that the reason why I freaking asked her to be my date?



The door opened to see Okaa-san

"Okaa-san?" I asked and sat up my bed

"Kyousuke? Your still not asleep?" She entered my room and sat near me

"Something wrong? You seemed to be in deep thought" she asked quite worried

"It's nothing"

"Don't nothing me young man! You brother went this too"

"Nii-san?" She nodded and smiled. Then I remembered, 7 years ago we met a young girl about 9 years of age. She had long black hair paired with pale blue eyes

Nii-san admitted that he had a crush on her. Cassandra Florentino was her name but we just call her Cassie, she was half pinoy and half...I forgot the other half. She loves sakka and she loves playing with me and nii-san

And just after a few days I started calling her Cassie-nee, she was very kind and sweet

But eventually she only stayed for two months since summer was almost over

Nii-san was sad but she gave him something that would remind him of her


"Okaa-san, it's about---" I was cut off by her fan girling

"Is it about Mei?!" She squealed. I looked shocked and flustered

"Is it?!" I didn't answer

"It issss!!!!" She said in victory as I look down while blushing furiously

"Alright, let's get serious now. Mei is a nice girl...but my advice is, just be yourself OK? " she kissed my forehead and started to walk out the room

"Now don't stay up all night thinking about her" she winked at the door. I froze but soon smirked and replied "it's ok, we have no class tomorrow anyway" once again Okaa-san squealed and shut the door

I stayed in my position then smiled a bit. I took out my phone and texted quarterback to mess with her. Don't ask how I got her number

From: me
To: Quarterback

Sup, u awake quarterback?

I waited a few seconds before she replied. Wow she's fast

From: Quarterback
To: me

Striker? Who gave you my number?!

Yep! She sounds pissed alright

From: me
To: Quarterback

Heh, I have my ways
From: Quarterback
To: me

Baka...and don't text back! I'm going to sleep
From: me
To: Quarterback

You don't tell me what to do. Anyway looking forward tomorrow ;)

I put my phone down with a smile on my face, imagining her flustered face. I started to feel confident that she feels the same...Heh

Then I hear my phone ring. I opened it only to smile victorious

From: Quarterback
To: me


I didn't reply but I decided to shower first

I really can't wait tomorrow


Me: yay!

Nissy: she doesn't own anything

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