Chapter 1

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Nissy: yeh...dont judge me!! Enjoy~


Meiko's POV

"Urg!" I mumbled as turning the alarm off.

"Sweety! Wake up! Its already 2 in the afternoon" Nanay(mother) said knocking at my door

"Coming!" I said back

Hi my name's Kishi Meiko but you can call me Mei.

From what everyone else knows that I'm from Texas...which I was really from, but! I originally grew up in the Philippines.

As you can see me and Nanay(Mother) can speak Japanese very well, it's because she kinda grew up here since her foster parents were Japanese. Her foster father that is, while her foster mother is FILAM (Filipino - American) So I asked Nanay to give me a Japanese name, of course I asked permission from Tatay(father) first.

So...yeah! I kinda don't want people to know that I'm from the Philippines or my real name because I made a deal with Tatay (father), I want to live a normal life like any other kid. I also took the opportunity to study abroad. I know I'm like living the life of a princess and wished to be like everyone else,
ano ba to? Isang bedtime story?
What is this? A bedtime story?]

(OK...I am not going to translate all the other languages. Unless you want me to die)

Haha! And most importantly, my family owns an infamous international safety comes first

Anyway back to the part where we just moved in yesterday and gosh I was tired, I helped unpack and bla~bla~bla

"Nay! I'll be going now!" Today I'm wearing some black shorts and a red hoodie and I tied my hair in a ponytail

"Ok Sweety!......and tell me if there's someone who catches your eye if you know what I mean~" she said smirking.

"Knock it off!!!" I whined

"Haha! OK but come back at 3 ok??" She said as I walk out the door yelling back "Hai!!"

I took my skateboard and put on my headphones.

"Meiko-sama would you like me to call your driver?" One of our maids asked

"No thanks" I replied

"As you wish" she bowed

I nodded riding my board out of the house. I came across the garden where the other workers greeted me

The guard quickly opened the gate and I toured myself across the streets and other shops.

after looking and wondering around ( it's now 6:30 PM )

Its a little late, oh what am I thinking? Its super late! when....

I'm now in front of my new school

"wow! Its huge!!" I exclaimed in surprise

Raimon Jr high...well I'm already a third year and I'm entering senior year!!

"You look like you never seen a school this big before" Said a cold voice behind me


I turn around to see a Navy blue haired boy...with a...pointy hairstyle XD

"Huh! Your not from here are you?" He said coldly while looking away

'oh...he's cool' I thought.

"Well yes, Okaa-san(she calls her mom, Okaa-san in public while Nanay when at home or with her relatives) and I moved here yesterday......oh and sorry for yelling I was startled" I said and bowed a little trying to hide my blush of embarrassment

Silence drifted until I decided to break it

" from this school??" I asked

"Yes, I am...why are you here? You lost or something?" He replied coldly still not looking at me.

"Nope, I'm just heading home...." I said.

"Huh! Of course you are" he said sarcasticly as he stared at his wrist pretending that his looking at the time.

"Well is been nice talking with you" I said returning the sarcasm

I ran straight to my home not even looking back

'how rude!' I thought angrily

But I just ignored his coldness.

At home..

"I'm home!"

"Oh...did you even notice the time? -___-" she asked

"Yeh...gomen" I said rubbing the back of my head

"is dinner ready?" I asked shyly

"Nope, but shower first"

I nodded as I ran to the bathroom

When I finish dinner I ran to my bed thinking about that navy blue haired boy

"Psh! What a jerk! But I have to admit he is kinda cute- WHAT?!?!" I yelled while blushing and threw my pillow across the room

"MEIKO!! Go to SLEEP!!"

I heard Old hag's (haha! I love using that word) voice eco across the hall

"SORRY!" I yelled back

'I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow! ' I thought as I started to fall asleep.


Nissy: here's the characters info

Kishi Aimi(the Japanese name given to her by her foster parents)
Jaine Knight (not her full name)
Jaine Knight

Age: 44

Eye color: blue

Hair color: blonde

Birthday: October 19

Creation and Destruction

Casual Clothing: wears a grey dress and black doll shoes

Violent(she hides this side of hers)
Rebellious(this one too)


Back Story: Her real parents were Wizards, but died in a job. So when she accidentally crossed the boarder to the modern world. She found herself in an orphanage, she didn't talk much making her mysterious and was adopted by a kind couple

Extra info: she was the first wizard to cross the border

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