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The days moved on quietly and quickly. And soon, it was almost two weeks.


Tze Xian spent time playing with the children and doing things that actually made him happy for a change.

Nothing much happened these few days. Until Qin burst out of her room and got everyone's attention.

"They're on their way." She said, her face showing no emotion.

Everybody just stared at her. Trying to make sense of what she had said. But no one could understand. Except Tze Xian.

"The nuke." He said softly, turning to everyone on board. "They're on their way."

Qin nodded, still showing no emotion at all. And with that, she returned to her room.

Tze Xian chased after her. How could she be so heartless? She's like a fucking genius and she didn't even try to do something.

Her door was locked. Why am I not surprised? But Tze Xian pounded on it desperately with his two fists. I can't let China down. I just can't. Qin, won't you please fucking open the door!

He pounded some more, shouting and shouting. Even though he knew the metal door was soundproof.

"Open the damn door!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking and thrashing, making a scene in front of his sworn enemy's room.

She finally did, after a few minutes of Tze Xian making a fool of himself. She stepped out a little, calm and composed. She asked ,"Yes?"

"Yes? That's your fucking answer?" He asked, not at all surprised that Qin had put on her annoying smirk.

Qin still hasn't replied, waiting for him to say something else before she could slam the door at his face.

Tze Xian noticed this because his next question asked , "Can I come in?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes before she managed to stifle a curtsy and escort him into her room. And then slamming the door and locking it harshly that sounds vibrated throughout the whole ship.

"So Tze Xian," Qin said, "can you please tell me the reason you pounded on my door like a maniac? And would you like something to drink?"

"I would love to." Tze Xian said. The world's sarcasm level goes up by 100% once you open your freaking mouth. "If only the Americans aren't on the way to bomb our country then may I have a glass of water?"

"Yes you may."

"I said if only the Americans aren't on the way to bomb our country." Tze Xian deadpanned.

"They aren't." She smirked, handing him a glass full of water. "Here you go."

"You just told everybody that they are." He said, confused.

Qin simply smiled. "So?"

"Qin." Tze Xian's tone was serious. And so was his expression. "Stop playing games with me."

"But isn't that what war is?" She asked, her smile still not fading away. "Isn't war like a game? Have you seen me play?"

"What are you getting at?" He asked.

Qin sighed, wiping the smirk of her face and moving towards her computer screen. "Just between you and me." She said, "But I don't trust David Brown."

"Yeah. I'll keep it a secret." Like no one knows that. What the hell are you getting at Qin?

Qin ignored him, her hands were flying over the keyboard and her eyes were staring deep into the screen.

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