tre∞ and me.

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ariana: justin who?

justin: 5 million likes, 91

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justin: 5 million likes, 91.9 million follower's, following 249 and you dont even follow me back, smh.

selena: stalker.

alfredo: she follow's me justin, hah

za: and me

kylie: and me

kendall: and me

justin: i get it she follows all of you back

gigi: and me

zayn: and me

ariana: and me

justin: shutup now, i get it

maejor: she follow's me too bro

selena: 😂 wow. brandon, where u been?

ariana: brandon is forever m i a

zayn: look he's gone again

kendall: hes probably reading on wattpad again. he needs help, i mean he's more obsessed with jelena than justin is

gigi: nope, no1 is more obsessed with jelena than justin

kylie: justin when selena follows him back on instagram

ariana: justin when selena finally agrees too a another date

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ariana: justin when selena finally agrees too a another date

ariana: justin when selena finally agrees too a another date

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zayn: justin when selena posts a instagram selfie

zayn: justin when selena posts a instagram selfie

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justin: you guys are taking the piss now.

za: justin when hands to myself video came out

za: justin when hands to myself video came out

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justin has left the group chat.

selena: you guys are so mean, but they were funny af 😂

kendall: za's one was the best & zayn wtf were you doing in that gif? lol

zayn: idek lol

alfredo: justin's pressed, lol it was just a joke.

private call between justin & selena.

*ring, ring*

selena: hi justin

justin: hey

selena: why'd you leave the groupchat?

justin: how would you like it, if your own friends made fun of you for being 'obsessed' me? it takes the piss, i mean the whole world thinks you hate me & that i'm hella obsessed with you.

selena: i like the fact that you're obsessed with me, its cute.

justin: i'm not obsessed. but i can't seem to move on, selena. i love you, please give me a chance to explain? how about you meet me @ the montage tomorrow?

selena: i'm on tour in asia, how about when i come back, in about a month?

justin: i'd love that, i'll call you.

selena: bye justin

justin: bye babe

selena has added justin to the group chat.


that was probably my favourite chapter. it was so fun to write.

justin is so sensitive, my small puppy.


dont forget to comment/vote.


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