Aomine x Reader To dumb to notice what you have in front of you

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Reader's pov
       Every day it's the same he's been here for me so long but he never really is actually committing to this relationship. He already knows how much I'm insecure with how I look. I don't like how he keeps complaining about how I don't look like all the other girls.
Why can't he see the special side of me and stop complaining. Doesn't he see or appreciate what is right in front of him.
     I stood up from the floor of the bathroom stall I was in and wipe the tears that were falling from my (e/c) eyes. Opening the stall of the bathroom I walked to the sink and splashed my face.
Keeping my face as good as possible so no one could see I was crying. Walking out of the bathroom I walked through the empty halls of the school to my class. Getting to the door I walked in with my head hanging.
     "Sorry I was late sensei" I quietly said. "Its ok (l/n) just promise next time to get here on time" Sensei sternly replied. "Yes Sensei " I quickly replied back and quickly move to my desk. Barely paying any attention to the lesson the upsetting thoughts kept nagging at me. Looking over to my left I noticed him sleeping on his desk.
    Quickly looking away I started to draw a chibi (favorite anime character) on my note book. Soon the bell rang I shot out of the class not even waiting for him. Running throughout the school I reached the roof and cried behind a wall. Soon hearing him yell out my name as I hid from him.
  He never cared he just wanted to use me he would care how I felt not tease me or remind me how I'm not like all the other girls.
Feeling his presences around me looking up I seen his cold dark blues eyes and that lazy smirk on his tan face. Soon that went away when he saw the tears running down my face and red puffy (e/c) eyes.
   "(F/n) what's wrong?" Aomine asked in a calm tone.
"'s..n..n..nothing..D..d..daiki" I stuttered out. Feeling his large hand on my face pushing away lose strands of my (h/l) (h/c) hair out of my face. His deep blue eyes burying down into my (e/c) eyes trying to look throughout my soul.
    Slowly stepping back away from him I turned away and ran off. Hearing him calling out my name behind me. Turning the corner I race down the halls into a empty janitors closet. Closing the door shut locking it and slowly sinking to the floor.
Weeping into my legs as I'm hit with all these thoughts going through my head.
Don't you get it your ugly! Run away because no one cares about you! Your just another waste of space and air! Run, hide, and never come back!
    Gripping my (h/c) hair as I tried to stop these haunting voices going through my mind. Feeling that burning pain starting in my chest as the thoughts become worse.
Hearing footsteps coming closer as his rough voice calls out for me. Biting my lip as silent tears run down my (s/c) face as I hold back choked sobs.
     Banging on the door behind me as he yells for me to come out.
"(Y/n) come out!" his rough voices shots as he keeps banging on the door. Wiping some of the tears that keep falling down my face.
Standing up slowly I unlock the door.
Keeping my head down as tears keep falling. Soon a warm set of arms is wrapped around me. Pulling me closer into his chest as he comforts me and wipes my tears away.
  "(Y/n) what's really wrong for real?" Daiki asks truly concerned. As more tears flow down faster a sob breaks out from me. "'t...." I whisper softly.
   Holding more sobs as his grip around me tightens more as he holds me. "I'm sorry (y/n) that I'm a idiot and complaining when really what I have now is perfect which is you (y/n)." Daiki whispers into my hair.
Hearing that from him makes more tears fall as I hold onto him more. Small whimpers escape me as I stay in his comforting arms.
     As the last bell rings meaning schools over. Daiki still holds me as we slowly walk throughout the halls of our school. Having me in his arms I feel wanted and safe while actually being happy.
Us walking out of the school just me and him as he brings me home. As we walk on the street I notice many more things I haven't seen. While the cold air breezes past us making me shiver a little.
      Daiki noticing this slowly pulls off his jacket and wraps it around me. Looking up at him I bid him a thank you. As his actually smiles at me hopefully like how he use to be when we were younger. Thinking back I finally realize that he's change drastically. We keep walking every step closer to making it to my home. Slowly looking up into the sky seeing many shapes and colors.
Smiling softly I hum a little while holding Daiki's large warm hand with my small hand.
    Soon reaching to my small one bedroom apartment going up the steps to my door I'm stopped. Turning my head slowly I see that Daiki is still holding my hand.
Pulling my hand away slightly he tightens his grip on my hand and pulls me into him as he lightly presses his soft lips onto mine. As we kiss he wraps his arm around my waist holding us there as are lips slowly dance together.
       Pulling away back he lifts his hand up and caresses my cheek. He looks deep into my eyes with his dark blue eyes. Slowly he's rubs my cheeks with is thumb.
"I love you (y/n) your my life now my number one in the world now and I will make sure in a better man for you." Daiki whispers as he gently presses a kiss to my forehead.
      He let's go of me bidding his goodbye as he goes down the steps and leaves me. Opening my apartment door I close it behind me. Locking it I drop my bag moving to my room. Opening my door to my room I close it and take my shoes off and clothing. Left in my (f/c) panties and bra I slowly climb into my bed. Burying myself in my bed as I stare up at the ceiling. Slowly sleep invades me and takes me away into my dreams.

Sorry if this sucks should of did better to remind people requests are open to me soo if you want me to make a story like you want I'll try my best so Bai!

KUROKO NO BASUKE ONESHOTSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora