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With a battle cry, the Prince fought all four of the ones that dared to had challenged him. With one powerful punch the four other Saiyan's flew back and were knocked out with ease. Vegeta smirked at this, he had become the strongest Saiyan in all of Planet Vegeta! Of course, nothing compared to that of his Father. The King of all Saiyan's.

No, he needed to become a Super Saiyan for that. It was just a Legend, nothing more, but him and his Father believed that it could be done. And Vegeta was determined to make it happen.

"Is that all you fools got!" Vegeta yelled looking down at the bloody and bruised up lower-class Saiyan's, "You think you can defeat ME the Prince of all Saiyan's!" He yelled once more kicking one of the men on the floor.

Turning around he began to walk away, "This was a complete waste of my time!" He slammed the training doors open and walked down the Castle hallway. He was and adult now, not the same little kid he once was. He has become stronger. All due to the fact he trained non stop every single day.

To surpass his father of course.

Just kidding, to one day become a Super Saiyan! Yes. That has been his goal ever since his Father had told him about it as a young child. I will do it! That is my destiny! Of course, I need more training in order to reach that goal. I'll do whatever it takes! He laughed darkly as he walked the halls, lost inside his own thoughts.

A tap on his shoulder snapped him out of it though, getting angry he turned around to see a servant looking at him in fear. "What is it woman." He growled glaring.

She jumped and looked down afraid to meet his eyes, "K-King Vegeta requests for you to see him in the Throne room."

"I don't have time for that! Tell him I said later, I need to train!" He yelled making her fall to the floor as he took a step forward.

"K-K-Knowing you would say that, he said immediately my Prince." She squeaked running off before he had a chance to react. 

Yelling out of anger he walked the other way in a hurry. Mumbling, he threw the doors open and walked inside the large room. The guards then closed the doors behind him and there stood King Vegeta looking out the window with his hands behind his back.

"What do you want." Vegeta said while crossing his arms staring at his Father. "I was busy."

For a moment King Vegeta remained silent. Then he turned his head around and soon enough completely faced his son. "Now, is that anyway to speak to me?"

Vegeta scoffed, in a bad mood already, "I was going to train, now if there is no need to tell me anything I will take my leave." He replied turning around about to walk out.

"Wait," His Father ordered and Vegeta turned around once more with a pissed off face, "I wanted to talk to you about something. Come here, sit for a while." It sounded more of a demand than a request. 

Giving a low growl, Vegeta walked over and sat down on a chair with his arms still crossed. King Vegeta sat down as well and looked at his son, he was proud of the level of strength he had achieved on his own. But it wasn't strong enough to surpass the King of all Saiyan's power just yet. 

"How has your training been Vegeta?" He asked folding his hands together and putting them up to his face. 

Vegeta looked annoyed, "Fine Father. Just fine. Can I go now?"

King Vegeta laughed a bit, "Always rushing off to go train huh? Tell me," He got serious again, "Think your strong enough to defeat me?" 

His son sat there in silence, Vegeta gulped and looked out the window, "Want to find out?" He asked.

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