Chapter 16

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I have ben trying to upload for the past hour. My parents are very angry at me for wasting my time at the computer. You guys are lucky that I did not just throw my computer out of the window in anger (of course, my fear of my father's ire might have had something to do with that). Totally spoiled my people will just have to make me happier now! Loads of reviews, please? *makes puppy eyes*


Rachel was moving under the exhilarating effects of finally giving in to the mutiny festering in her heart and before she knew it, she was poised on the threshold of her dreary little sanctuary with her bonnet in hand, ready to take flight. It was so easy…no one questioned her decision and the landlady cheerfully suggested a short-cut to a nearby park. It would only be for a short time. She wouldn’t even go to the park, though the idea was vastly tempting. Oh no, she would just take a small stroll around the block to feel the fresh air on her face, to stretch her legs a bit. Andrew wouldn’t even know; she would be back long before he reappeared. He himself had reported that there had been no signs of danger anywhere.

And if he had not been so tardy in looking after me, she whined inwardly, I would not have been forced to take matters into my own hands! He didn’t keep his promise to take me around even once.

But reason returned at last to her fevered brain, as did her sense of humor regarding the situation. Her hands halted in the process of tying on her bonnet.

Just what were you thinking of, my fine woman? Her conscience chided. In her mind's eye, Rachel could almost see it putting imaginary hands on its hips and tapping an insubstantial foot. So now you are prepared to throw away everything to achieve a few moments of stolen enjoyment? Get back in your room this instant! And stay there till HE tells you to come out! The best laid plans of men are brought down by foolish chits like you. With such insubordination in the ranks, how will the poor Colonel win this battle?

Lord, who would have thought that one’s conscience could be so nagging and superior? Yes Teacher – see, here I retreat back in all my shamed glory.

And thus, Rachel backed away into the house at the last minute.


She had been lying on her bed for half an hour in an attempt to pass the time daydreaming when her bedroom door was jolted open without warning. Andrew stood there in her room with his hand tightly holding on to the door-knob, breathing hard and apparently in the grips of a wild frenzy. Her face became suffused with blushes of outraged modesty. What did he mean by entering her bedroom like this, for goodness’ sake? God help her, was he drunk?

But before she could open her mouth to voice any of her thoughts, Andrew had walked over to her side and hauled her out of the bed without any ceremony, grabbing her arms hard and drawing her close to his body. Indecorously close – Rachel could see the blue flecks in his eyes and feel the heat emanating from his body. His breath raised the tiny hairs curling on her temples. She had never seen him like this – he was pulsating anger and seemed to be on the verge of shaking her till her teeth rattled. And yet, his eyes also spoke of some contrary emotion she could not put a finger on…

The shocked look on her face brought Andrew to his senses. He struggled with himself for a second before visibly reining in his temper. His arms fell to his side as he retreated to the end of the room, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking several deep breaths. The atmosphere was so charged that Rachel could not utter a word even when she finally had the chance; the silence between them stretched on and on while he mastered his emotions. Finally, his voice came out in a strained whisper.

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