Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to My fans, short, YOU!

Hello again to all you wonderful people inhabiting the Wattpad world! I am back from my extremely short holiday - full of seaside pictures, rich food and warm memories. And in celebration of that fact, here is chapter 15 on Saturday night itself!


Seldom had a day passed so slowly for Rachel. She had nothing to do except moon around her room, attempting to distract herself with the paltry decorations provided by the landlady. The windows remained shut and the drapes drawn, so she didn't have any decent view to fall back upon. There were no books to read, no sleep to be had and no instrument to play music on. She could not talk much with the maids, the landlady or the other guests so as to not blow her cover.

Finally, she had the good fortune to get hold of some needle and thread, and spent the rest of the afternoon repairing the damages wrought on her gown by her misadventures. Though she despaired of ever being able to wear it in gentle company again (indeed, she wondered what exactly Andrew had planned for them to don during her debut as Miss de Manley!), it was at least still serviceable and would stand some more rough usage. If only she had one more outfit! The worst part of their journey was not over yet, and she was afraid of living in one dress all the time amidst all the constant walking and rationing of clean water.

"God help me, a small thing like hygiene seems to be more difficult to give up than my identity," Rachel fumed. The smirking voice in her head added, especially with the man you love at your side to see you constantly at a disadvantage.


Andrew was also aware of the role respectable clothes played in their game-plan. Even people who knew him well would demur to accept the suave officer in the bedraggled person now striding along the Brighton promenade and, as he chuckled to himself, "not in a hundred years would Miss Warren be mistaken for a fashionable lady in her present outfit." Therefore, his round of visits started with one paid to a very good friend of his, a Major Coleslaw who currently resided in Brighton for his health. He and Andrew had fought together against the French a few years back, and Andrew knew that he could trust the taciturn soldier implicitly.

He was heartily received at Blackwell House by Major and Mrs. Coleslaw who listened sympathetically to his story of having been robbed on the road by highwaymen in the dark of the night, and left to travel to Brighton in only the clothes he and his cousin were standing in.

"But this is preposterous!" exclaimed Major Coleslaw hotly, though a twinkle entered his eyes. "You were bested by highwaymen, Fairfax? I can't believe it!"

Andrew smiled ruefully. Given his famed ability with a sword, he could well believe his audience's skepticism.

"I did not have my service pistol on me my friend, and firearms are far superior to swords when distance is of value. The bandits had them - in multiple numbers. Not to mention the young lady travelling with me, whose safety I could not jeopardize over mere bravado. I don't make a habit of being rash in an emergency, I hope."

The Major was instantly sobered. "True, Fairfax, very true. Pardon me for my momentary and ill-placed humour. Can't these blackguards be brought to justice?" He was slightly mollified on being assured that the Colonel had already set the official wheels in motion, and offered his assistance if ever required. His sweet wife has other questions, and gasped on hearing about the straits of the poor Miss de Manley who did not have any decent clothes to appear in society - and no time to get them made anew in Brighton either. The couple instantly proffered Andrew money to tide him over these trying times, closely followed by the more welcome offer of clothes from their own wardrobe to outfit him and Miranda for now.

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