Part 7

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~part seven~

" you and the baby are fine. Be more careful and rest for a couple of days. " then the doctor just walks out. "Fucking asshole." (Y/BF/N)says. She helps you back to the car and has you call Justin on the drive. Justin was so upset and was going to catch the first flight home. You talked him out of it thankfully. Once you got home you skyped Justin while (Y/BF/N) finished painting the nursery. You saw that he had been crying and he talked about how badly he wanted to be there. You said that you were fine and that you missed him. You two talked and talked. (Y/BF/N) told you to go to bed. She helped you up the stairs and into bed. You took your laptop with you and talked to Justin until you both fell asleep.

~end of part seven~


Sorry this one was super short.

First Came Love...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang