One step foward, next step back

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Chapter 22 : One step foward, next step back

 Several days later, I woke up much earlier than my usual time. I had to be on practice at ten am sharp, but before than me and Oliver had agreed to meet at the lakeside. We chose this time because both of us were busy all these days and we couldn’t meet just the next day after we went out. Today both of us had time, and according to Oliver it was better to sing there while the tourists or wandering people were absent.

Before sneaking out, I quickly logged in my computer and send an email to Mr. Flynn about what we were going to play for the finalist’s round, since it was my responsibility. I had forgotten to do this before, so I just hoped no one else had already chosen this song. If that happened, we had to prepare a new one all over again.

I was very worried about not letting the band down, I had always been afraid of responsibilities. They scared me because I was held in question for the given duty.

Pushing off the thoughts about responsibilities, I dressed up in my dark brown Capri and white cotton shirt, tiptoeing my way downstairs. Dad was usually awake at this time in morning; he was an early riser. Normally he would stay here until twelve taking care of the kid’s breakfast and stuff, but other days when our neighbor was available to baby sit, he would leave to be at the coffee shop.

Sometimes I would feel guilty that I am not helping him in anything at all, house chores or the shop, but dad didn’t want me to distract my attention. He too wanted me to win this competition, even if it meant hiring more people at the coffee shop.

He wasn’t home again.

I sighed in relief, he knew well about my schedule with such a dotting father he was, I had been sure he would question me where I was going one hour earlier.


When I had asked Oliver to sing for me, I thought he was going to blow it off as a meaningless joke and make fun of my foolishness, instead he surprised me when he just smiled – which was more like a cocky smirk – and told me to meet after a few days at the same spot where I first listened him (though he still insist that I was eavesdropping or spying).

I was skipping along the pavement, humming like mad women and feeling overly happy. Things were too perfect for me right now and I didn’t want to miss anything at all. It was true that even if there are problems in life, sorrows and unfathomable pain, happiness will eventually come, and it would be worth it all.

‘’You’re too late.’’ He said as I made it there, he sat in his usual space, but instead of dangling dangerously on the pole he was sitting on the grass and leaning against the tree. The tree I used to hide myself that day.

That day…our first face to face meeting, which went disastrously, wrong and I left a very bad impression on him.

Things were so different right now, as if all that never happened. Like it was just a remains of past which would be completely removed if I just manage to forget it for once...

‘’Maybe you just got here early?’’ I asked sitting down beside him and composing my face a little. I hate that he knew what kind of effect he had on me, but today I wanted to keep my feelings and expressions under control.

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