Chapter Two

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AN/ Chapters will get longer promise!!


Chapter Two

I would not agree to this! How could he?! Shock spread all over my face as the realisation hits me, all my life I had been trapped in my home and now I would be forced to participate in someone else's life, someone that I didn't even like! A man I could never love. "Honey, do you want to repeat what you just said?" My father's soft blue eyes turned to an icy glare as he realised I was defying him, he was giving me a chance to take back what I said, I held my ground, I would not participate in this, I wanted my own life for once! Something to live for, something outside these four walls I call my home. "Father, I will not marry this...this man! How could you do this to me?!"

"I am your father my dear princess, do you question my intentions? I only want for you to be happy, for you to have everything you want." I saw this as an opportunity to ask for the one thing I have desired the most in my life. "So your saying if I asked you for something, the only thing I've ever wanted you would give it to me? No matter what the consequences?" My eyes widened in hope as I gave the puppy dog look my father always fell for. "If it is something that makes you happy, and something I can do then yes I will give you what you want dear."

A smile spread across my face as I held my father's hand, looking into his eyes, I pleaded with him "Father I wish to leave this house and go to a normal high school and lead a normal life." My heart started to beat faster as my father ripped away his hand and stood up, big, tall and dangerous. Gulping back the fear that was rising like vomit in the back of my throat I slowly stood up to my feet. "Are you insane?! I will give you anything in the world princess, but this?! This I cannot, and I mean WILL NOT do, do you understand me?!" My father screamed the words, he was returning to the cold monster that he had become, tears fell from my eyes blurring the scary sight of my father's rage. "Why?" The words came out as a hoarse whisper instead of the confident and loud voice I had intended it to be.

"It's not possible that's why! Why are you defying me? You're always so sensible and well-behaved so why are you acting like this?!" I had an answer to that, a heck of an answer, I was tired; tired of listening to my father, tired of living the way he wanted me to, tired of being locked up in this house and tired of not being able to fulfil my hopes and dreams. "It is possible, all you have to do is say yes father, yes I am always well-behaved, and I'm always doing what YOU want me to do! I want to do something of my own, I want to have friends, go to the cinema, go ice skating, fall in love. I do not want to marry Rick, he won't make me happy father, and do you want me to live with a man who won't think twice before he pulls out his gun to kill someone, a man who gets angry so quickly that he could pull his gun out on your own daughter? Do you want me to live a life suffocating? Not being able to do what I want, being deprived of everything that I deserve. Is this what mum would have wanted?!" I knew I was starting to make him think but as soon as I had mentioned my mother I knew I had struck a nerve, I had taken a step too far.

Leonard Santiago had not expected this; his darling princess had defied him and then had gone and dragged his dear Jen into the matter! He stayed quiet, his face an expressionless mask as he stared at his daughter a waterfall of tears were rushing down her smooth cheeks, this did not suit her as she was always so cheerful and happy. She had always accepted everything that Leonard wanted, she did as she was told, but she wished for something he could not provide, something he couldn't afford to give her. His mind wondered back to 17 years ago when his wife had told him to give her everything she wanted and that Islay shouldn't have to life in fear. His daughter had not said so but it was written on her face the tears were evidence of her grief, she was afraid of losing her freedom for the rest of her life, maybe just maybe he was wrong all these years, making up his mind Leonard stood tall and stared at his daughter.

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