fifty six || elver

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Cathy launched herself at Elver, almost knocking him off his balance as he clambered out of the car.

“Finally, you’re here. I thought you would never come,” she said, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement.

“You really think I’d miss your birthday? Come on Cathy, I’m not that bad,” he said. His sister’s happiness was contagious, her wide smile rubbing off on him. Alaska looked down at her feet and stood awkwardly. Cathy’s eyes lit up when she noticed her.

“Alaska! You’re here!” she said, surprising Alaska by throwing her arms around her. “I was hoping Elver would bring you.”

Alaska grinned and nodded. Cathy was ecstatic and jumped up and down on the spot before turning her attention back to Elver.

“Did you have fun?” She gave a most unsubtle wink, sticking her tongue out as she leant towards Elver, closing one eye and opening it over a period of a few seconds. Despite the untruth of it, Elver blushed.

“Cathy, no. We didn’t do anything like that,” he said in a hushed voice, not wanting any of the nosy neighbors to hear them.

“Yeah, sure you didn’t,” Cathy said with another wink. Elver rolled his eyes; he knew there was no point arguing when his sister was in such a mood.

Multi-coloured streamers hung from every bush and three pink balloons were attached to the gate with string. Elver recognized a few neighbours chatting with nibbles, but no one from his school.

“Ella not able to come?” he asked, unaware of what might be the answer. Cathy’s smile faltered. She blinked.

“I didn’t invite her,” she half whispered. He nodded understandingly.

“Sorry,” he said, looping one arm around her shoulders and the other over Alaska’s, who had been quietly observing the party. “Let’s get food.”

There were huge plates laden with vol-au-vents filled with cream and strawberries, strips of salmon covering fresh goat’s cheese as well as mini chocolates, pies, pineapple and cheese. Elver was glad he hadn’t been around when his mother had been making the buffet. He didn’t want to even try imagine the mood she would have been in. Right on cue, she appeared in the doorway, waving to a few friends in a passing car, before her gaze locked on Elver and Alaska. She rushed up to them and hugged Elver.

“How are you? Was it fun?” she asked, flashing Alaska a welcoming smile before hugging her too, much to her surprise. She was caught off guard and after a few days with Elver, she had forgotten how much she hated being touched.

“Great thanks,” Elver said, dismissing the subject as he saw Cathy’s face. She wasn’t happy that she didn’t have her mother’s full attention. He turned to his little sister. “Opened anything nice yet?” He wanted to make Cathy feel like she was the centre of attention. She grinned and shook her head.

“Haven’t opened anything yet apart from this outfit,” she gestured down to her soft blue dress. “I’ve been too busy saying hello to everyone.”

Elver nodded, and tried to signal a question to his mother, but it ended in both getting confused and she dragged him off, telling Cathy to stay there a second.

“Where’s the puppy? Can I see it?” he asked, glancing around to make sure his sister wasn’t listening.

“Later, once everyone’s gone. But Elver, seriously, you need to come with me. I’ve got a whole selection of things for you to give her and you need to choose which one so I can start wrapping.” She was clearly stressed, her hair all over the place though she had made an effort in the morning.

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