The Game With Uncle Johnny

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The next day Sally woke up very happy and couldn't wait to see her uncle. Her dad wasn't here, he had work then had to go get Johnny from the airport. Later that morning after eating her breakfast and getting dressed. Sally ran outside with her teddy bear playing hopscotch with her friends. After a few hours Sally noticed her dads car. Sally jumped in glee. The car pulled up in front of the house. Her dad and uncle came out of the small silver car. "Hey well guess who it is, my favorite niece Sally!" Uncle Johnny said. Sally ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Uncle Johnny soon picked up Sally and they walked in the house. He sat her down as soon as they stepped in. Sally ran back outside to her friends and started to play again. "Wow I never seen Sally so happy in my life"Said her mom. "Yeah she just haven't me in a while " Uncle Johnny chuckled. They both laughed and Sally mom went to the kitchen making dinner. Sally dad walked in the house and said, "want me to show you around or anything like that since you be here for a little while " "Nah I'm good im sure I can find myself around this house you got. " Johnny replied. "Okay" Sally dad said then walked upstairs. Few hours later it was time for dinner. They all sat down eating. "So did you hear about that strange man the news was talking about" said Sally mom. "Yeah they was talking about how he got no face?" Johnny added. "It's Crazy how weird things happen here ya know" Her dad said. As they talked not knowing that Sally was secretly listening as she was eating her dinner. Then get mother looked over at Sally, " oh my.... Sally was you?" Sally nodded, " yeah I was listening "then she giggled. "I think it's time for bed"her dad said. Then her mother carried Sally upstairs getting her ready for bed. Her uncle Johnny came in and Sally said,"Hi Uncle Johnny! " Sally mother flinched at Sally yelling then looked up at Johnny. "Here I can help you look exhausted I mean you been cooking and cleaning, so let me get Sally to bed alright? " Johnny said. "well....I guess"She said then smiled at Sally giving her kiss on the forehead and walked out. Johnny sat on Sally's bed. "So what pajamas are you gonna wear tonight? " "I want this one! " Sally pulled out her favorite pajamas, it was a pink gown. "Okay pumpkin " he said as he pulled off Sally shirt. He poked Sally belly and she giggled, then he pulled down her pants. He was just about to put the pink gown on her until Sally said, "No Uncle Johnny I could put my pajamas on by myself! " Sally said. "Oh okay" then Sally put on her little pink gown. She got under her covers and giggled. Sally mom came in, "thanks John for everything but I think I could tuck her in now" "Nah I could do it "Johnny said. "No... Its okay but I appreciated your kindness" "No! I want uncle Johnny to tuck me in... Please mommy "Sally pleaded. Her mother looked at Sally in the eyes. "Cmon Helen just let me tuck her in" Said Johnny. "Fine I don't see why not "Then after that she walked out of the room. Johnny did a little smile then when the mother was out of sight he shut the door locking it. Sally adorable smile faded away and she said, "Uncle Johnny? ".Johnny turned around and gave a crooked smile towards Sally and said, " I heard you liked games... Well let's play my favorite one" then he walked towards Sally unbuttoning his shirt and said, "Come play with me Sally "

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