Sally Williams

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Sally Williams is just a innocent,sweet, and nice girl. She enjoyed playing games outside with her friends. Her Favorite game was family and Sally would be the mommy of her friends. She loved bringing her teddy bear Charlie outside too. "Sally, Time for dinner!" Sally mom called out. "Okay mommy! " She replied. Sally said goodbye to her friends and went inside the house. After washing her hands she sat down with her mom and dad and ate her delicious food. Then she headed towards her room and her mother followed. Sally mother helped Sally put on her pajamas and then told her to brush her teeth. As Sally was brushing her teeth her dad came in and said, "Hello princess " "Oh hello daddy!" "Guess who's coming tomorrow! " "Who?" Sally said as she finished brushing her teeth. "Your uncle Johnny! " Her dad finally said. "Yay!!! " She screamed in joy. Her dad did a chuckle and then after all the excitement she hurried off to bed. Sally hugged her teddy bear then said her prayers and then her parents gave her a goodnight kiss. Sally parents went to sleep before her. "Oooh I can't wait for uncle Johnny, we're gonna have fun!" Sally said quietly to herself then dozed off to sleep.

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