Chapter 2

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Trevor stands, right in front of the gate. "Are you ready Zarah?" he asks and he runs his hand along the front of the gate, where both parts of the gate meet. I watched as he ran his index finger down the center. 

" Zarah?" Trevor stops, and looks back at me. Whoops. 

" Err, yeah, im ready." I say. Well ready as ill ever be. Trevor nods and turns back around, his eyes glance upward to the top of the gate. He lowers his head, and starts murmuring words but I couldn't make them out. I watched closely and slowly my eyes turned into the size of pancakes when the gate started shining white and started blnding my eyes. I sheilded my eyes with my hand and felt a gust of wind whip at my hair and tear at my clothes as the gate started to open, but here's the weird part... Haven has no wind. The even WEIRDER part was when Trevor called out to me to come closer, I could hear him normally, the wind had no sound. My brain wouldn't shutup as I walked closer to the gate by Trevor's side, my legs slightly trembling but I  ignore it.

As I come closer I started to see this swirl of light at the entrance and a black gaping hole in the center of the floor and my eyes widen more if thats even possible. THAT .. THAT.. oh crap I forgot to breath, that  THING is what we came through to get here?

" Okay Zarah so this is how it works, you jump into that hole you see,"

Of course I see the freakig hole you retard.

"Then you imagine a place on earth of where you would like to be, wherever you imagine is where you will land, and from there you chose a body and so forth." He says it so casually that it makes it sound like he has done it a million times. I look at him with wide eyes.

" You are telling me, that I have to JUMP in THAT?" I say pointing to the gaping hole. He gives me an annoyed look.

" YES Zarah, are you chickening out?" He says and looks down at me smugly. God how much more egoistic can you get?

" No." I say and step closer to the hole just to prove my point. He laughs from behind me wich only makes me more pissed at him, if thats even possible. Ugh.

" Now all you have to do is jump." Trevor says after he composes himself. I ignore his annoying voice and stare down into the black gaping hole, I swallow my fear.

Okay you got this Zarah... you got this.. 

  I close my eyes and prepare for the jump. I put my left foot forward, and was ready to fall inside, but I guess that wasn't necassary as I feel a shove on my back throwing me inside the hole. I toss my body around and yell as I fall.

" WAS THAT REALLY NESSACARRY??" I yell and I hear Trevors cackling laughter echo as I fall deeper in the hole, my hair whipping upward, and slapping my face. Somehow I manage to flip my body over again so it almost feels like sky diving. Except without a parachute. Fear starts bubbling in my stomach when I realize this. What if I go splat when I hit the ground? What if some part of my soul gets stuck into the earth or something weird? Oh shit. What if this is the way to hell after all and they tricked me into it?? Fuck im screwed that's what they did Im going to hell... Wh-

"ZARAH FOCUS!!" I hear someone shout in my head interrupting my fear thoughts. If I wasn't comleteley scared shitless right now I would be creeped out that theres another voice in my head. A very annoying voice to be exact. 

" Zarah stop panicking your fine. If you don't focus on where your going to land THEN you might be in danger."  Trevor says into my head in a slightly irratated voice. 

Why are you in my head?" I ask, and I swear if I were standing face to face with him he wouldv'e sighed in annoyance. 

" Protocol. It's not the concern right now, now FOCUS. I'll give you more instruction later." He says last and then theres just the sound of the whipping wind asI go falling to the earths ground. 


Hey guys i know this is really short but I REALLY REALLy wanted to update it .. so yea here it is . TELL ME WHAT CHU think pwease :D. thanks~

SugarCravings a.k.a Biscuits

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