Chapter 1

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I stood just a few feet away from the Gate. The white glow of the Gate drawing my attention. I observed the elegance of the gate. I took a deep sigh . This is were everyone in Haven, came through, when they first come here. So technically everyone in Haven knows what and where the gate is. Not that hard to forget when your whole life gets thrown out the window by Death, and NOOOOO of course not they cannot put you in Heaven blahahblah so they send you here. In Haven, were you go through a Gate and then they close the doors on you so you can't wander out.. Yeah. Ugh so everyone knows what the Gate is.

I float a little bit up and down my feet floating in the air. Ah yes. Yes we do float. Everyone in Haven can float. Theres even a saying that we use: " Why walk when we can float right?" Yup so it's not really nessacary to walk in Haven. Nor do we need to eat, or drink anything. Im not going to lie though, I reaally do miss food, but Haven just dosen't have any. I would probably eat anyway here wether I needed to or not. Everything that made me human just dosen't matter when your dead...and it sucks.

I turn my attention away from the Gate to face Haven. The constant sunrise colors beaming all around Haven. Haven, the so called "Home" for me for about a year, maybe a bit more. The thing is, I never really got used to Haven, It didn't quite warm up to me. The fact that Im not allowed to see any of my other dead family members because they where good enough to go to Heaven, really kills. No more like it breaks me. Haven basically is the middle realm, is the best way I can put it.. Right in that cozy spot between Heaven and Hell. Perfect for us 'not good enough to make it to Heaven' or the ' not bad enough to go to Hell '.

Haven is what it is, a safe place. Thats it. Just a safe fucking place... No one is allowed in Haven to be 100% happy or 100% pissed, or 100% of anything actually.. I can't get hurt, you can't get hurt, the wierdo next to you can't get hurt. NO ONE CAN GET HARMED IN HAVEN, PHYSICALLY OR EMOTIONALY. Even if I try, I just get blocked and I just... CAN'T. Can't be purely happy, can't be purely mad no matter how hard I try.

" Are you ready?" A low voice asks and I think I almost die. Oh wait I can't.. Ugh never mind. I swiftly turn around to find the scource of the voice. The Trevor.

" You scared me.." I say through clenched teeth, looking very unhappily at Trevor. 

Trevor gives me a triumph smile before turning his attention to a cliboard he had in one hand. With his free hand he pulls out a glistening white feather from his black suit pocket.  Why do they wear white suits? Got no idea.

" So you are familiar with how this works, correct?" Trevor asks me, looking up from his clipboard.

" Sort of." I answer back, and I put my hands in the pockets of my black skinny jeans.

"Of course." I hear Trevor mutter just barely loud enough for me to hear while he flips through the papers on the clipboard. Well what the hell is that supposed to mean?! Why did I HAVE to get him anyway? I always seem to get him when he's in a pissy mood. Couldn't I have just got one of his assistants? I was about to ask him what the hell his problem was, when he started talking. 

" So basically Zarah Levens." He says, reading my name off one of his papers before he meets my eye again. 

" You will return back to Earth and be Changed. Some people consider being Changed a second chance at life, or otherwise known as a second chance at earning your ticket to heaven." A smug smile forms on Trevor's face when he notices, the stupid happy one slowly forming on mine. What I couldn't help it?

" But theres a catch, the catch is that you will have to choose a body, of who you want to be Changed into. Then, their body and their life will be yours for the time being. Yet, by agreeing to be Changed, in six months, you MUST be worthy enough to become one of Heaven's residents. Do you understand?" Trevor looked down at me, as if he was explaining this to a five year old.

" Yes." I try to say in the most confident tone possible. I mean I would feel kind of bad for taking some other girls life for six months but...

Hey! I actually get a second chance to go to Heaven, and lose my virginity!! Yes I know it sounds lame but I didn't even get the chance to do THAT before I died so, im still a virgin...sadly.

" Good, now if you agree to be Changed, I need you to sign this." Trevor hands me the pen and a piece of paper from his cliboard. I take the paper in one hand, and run my thumb against it. It felt slightly rough in a way I could tell it was old. Gold cursive letters, covered the page.

" What's this?" I ask Trevor, raising an eyebrow.

" It's a contract. Explaining everything I just explained right now." Trevor puts simply. I nod my head and read it over quickly. Hey im not one of those idiots that sign a contract without reading it you know? After reading it, and comfirming that hes not lying I sign my name at the bottom line, next to the small x. Zarah Levens. The black ink of my loopy cursive, magically turns into gold letters, along with the rest of the writing on the page. I hand the pen and paper back to Trevor.

" Now thats taken care of." Trevor clips the contract back on the clipboard and puts the pen back in his pocket. 

" It is time." Trevor says before he aproaches the Gate closer. Deciding to be Changed seemed better than deciding to stay in Haven but...I follow behind him, but I feel my heart beating a little faster with every step. 


Hey guys Biscuits here, or Sugar or whatever you want to call me. Hhaha srry This wouldve been uploaded already but I when I published it, or tried too, half of it got deleted. Soo I was kinda pissed yesterday cuz of that. So srry for the short chapter, the other time i did this chapter it came out better than this one, so Im kin of thinking this chapter wasnt that great. *shame*  but COMMENT ON WHAT YOU THINK ANYWAY PLZ! PLZ! I READ every single comment!! I really want to know what you guys think? Good/ Bad? I accept all comments and suggestions on my book k? SO PLZ PLZ COMMENT OR I won't upload Again!! Thx soooo much to everyone who commented on the prolouge. Thank you.


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