Chapter 10

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The board meeting that day went well. It was indeed very successful. We had just finished the meeting and was about heading out of the room when my boss called me. He made nice remarks concerning my presentation even though I didn't do most of the work. I smiled and thanked him, already getting ready to retire for my room when he said;

"Perhaps, you don't mind if we have a drink so we could discuss about the presentation."

"Of course sir, I'll be joining you and the rest at the table."

"Oh no! I don't mean with the rest. Uhh just the two of us." He coughed out.

There was something off about the way he said it and as much as I would have wanted to refuse, I couldn't because he was my boss. I nodded and smiled, already making my way out before he said to meet him at a particular restaurant inside the hotel by 7:00pm. I formed a smile again, then finally left his presence, not sure why I was already feeling weird. Why would my boss want to have a drink with me alone in a fancy restaurant? Yep! I kinda knew where it was going.

Anyway, while in my room, I called my family and spoke to each of them. They were all okay which kept me at peace. My mum with the usual question of when I was bringing her son in-law kept both of us giggling even though I knew she was serious. It wasn't like I was too old to still be single or something, my mum just always brought up the issue of her getting old, dying and never getting a chance to meet my formed family. Instead, I always told her several times that she was going to live to still all of her children get married.

It was about 6:45pm so I decided to dress up. I just put on a simple dress with flats and retouched my hair before taking my small purse with me and heading out. I hadn't heard him or the door opposite make a sound I so guessed he stayed out for a while. I got out of my room, on my way to meet my boss. I couldn't remember exactly where the restaurant was since it was a very big hotel so I asked a staff. The young man gave me directions and I soon found myself outside the restaurant. I took a deep breath and went inside. It didn't even take up to a minute before I saw my boss sitting at a corner. I walked up to him and as he looked up, he smiled. I sat down and immediately, he said;

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up."

"I'm not late sir, am I?"

"No, I just thought....never mind."

He was still putting what he had on earlier, only that his suit was off and his tie a little lower. He smiled at me again as it went silent for a while. It was an awkward state. He finally spoke and said;

"You look nice."

"Thank you." I replied.

"So yeah. I was the one who called you here so I'm sure you're hoping I have something sensible to say."

"No sir, I believe you have something to say."

"Okay. That's good. So what would you like to drink?" He said, pointing at the menu that laid on the table.

I picked it up and glanced through it. The restaurant wasn't only fancy but very expensive. A bottle of wine was about....

I almost said I didn't want any drink when he said;

"Don't worry. I invited you here. I'll take care of the bills."

It wasn't like I expected him to let me pay or I expected that I would be the one to pay for my drink. The price on it just made me lose interest, not that I couldn't afford it. He asked if I wanted to try a particular drink and I told him that I don't drink alcohol in which I wasn't lying. He didn't ask why though so I finally ordered a drink. He actually did ask a few things about the presentation but that didn't last for long when he started asking me about myself. Trust me, I felt really uncomfortable and he actually noticed so he stopped and apologized. Although he asked me one question that kept me puzzled.

"Are you and Sebastien seeing each other?"

I opened my eyes in shock and couldn't get why he was asking.

"I know you're like what's my business and wondering why all these questions but you don't have to answer them. I smiled at him and told him it was okay to ask but let him know that I wasn't seeing Sebastien or any other person. I only let him know that we had a misunderstanding and that was all. He nodded his head and it went quiet again. I was so tempted to pick up my phone and ease the awkwardness but he spoke out again.

"You know, you are a very hard working lady, Ms. Adams. Sorry about the other day when I was being very insensitive. I gave you more work than I should have."

"It's fine sir, its' your job."

"You know you can just call me by my name right. It wasn't stated anywhere where you have to call me sir. At least, we are kind of away from work so you don't have to be so serious."

"Thank you."

"You're very charming indeed."

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