Chapter 8

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I couldn't stop thinking about the business trip after my boss mentioned it to me. It was my first business trip and I actually couldn't wait to leave the office environment for a while. With the way I thought about the trip, many would think it wasn't a business trip. It was four days to our departure and I decided to check my mail just in case my boss had sent the information concerning the trip like he said he would. I opened my mail and like I predicted, he had sent the mail. I don't know how my eyes got there but I immediately saw Sebastien's full name as part of the people the message was forwarded to. I felt a negative vibe as I saw this, really can't tell why. I didn't make it bother me. Working with him would be inevitable so I ignored my feelings. At this moment, I was at home. I had left work right on time.

As I was sitting on my couch, watching a tv show, my phone rang. It was 11:10pm and as usual, I wasn't expecting any call. I looked at the number and saw that it was a South African number that wasn't saved on my phone. I quickly picked the call and put it to my ear;

"Hello?" I said to the unknown caller.

"Hey! Siphiwe."

When I heard the voice, I knew it was my brother.

"Dumisani? How are you? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It's about mum"

"What's wrong with mum?" I said with a frown, standing up from where I was seated.

"She was rushed to the hospital yesterday."

I exclaimed in shock when I heard this. I was very surprised because I had spoken to her over the weekend and she sounded fine.

"What's wrong with ma?"

"The doctor said she'll be fine but she just needs a lot of rest."

"What is wrong with mum Dumisani?" I said angrily not understanding why he didn't want to tell me.

"Nothing. She had fever and was feeling very weak so we brought her to the hospital yesterday. The doctors haven't really said what's wrong but they say she'll be fine, that it is nothing serious."

"Okay, then let me speak with her."

"The doctor said not to disturb her so she's just resting."

"Fine. Let me know what the doctor says"


"Yeah! Take care."


That was how my conversation with my brother ended. I was no longer myself. I began to get more worried each time I thought of the call. I went on my knees, prayed and thanked God for healing her in advance. I managed to sleep really late after tossing and turning on the bed just because I wasn't feeling right.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the alarm with a terrible migraine. I was still feeling sleepy but I had to get ready for work. I took some pills and went to get prepared for work. After about an hour, I was on my way to work. I had taken the public transit and even saw the receptionist on the same transit. I got to work after about 20 minutes. Work wasn't the usual that day. It was much more stressful and I was really moody which made me slow at doing the things that were required of me. I still couldn't stop thinking about the news of my mum. I waited impatiently for my lunch break to call home because I couldn't use my phone while on duty. When it was finally time, I left the building to go somewhere else, just to be alone. I went to a small eatery that was not too from the office. There weren't many people there so I was relieved. I got in, went to take a seat and dialled my brother's number (not the unknown number he used to call me). He picked up by the third ring and I started conversing with him. I asked him about my mum and he finally said she was discharged from the hospital. I sighed in relief. I couldn't help but thank God in my mind while still talking with him. I asked what was wrong with her and he said she had come up with typhoid fever. It was surprising because I couldn't understand how she came up with it and why the doctors weren't able to find out what was wrong earlier. My brother also mentioned a few other things explaining what the doctors had said concerning her health and I was relieved because there was nothing seriously wrong with her. After speaking to my brother for a while, I spoke to my mum and saw that she sounded fine. Later, I ended the call in relief of everything before heading back to work.

To be continued.......

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