Chapter 9

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Friday finally arrived and it was our departure day. We weren't to work that day but meet up at the airport by 3:00pm that afternoon. I already packed my things and called a taxicab to take me to the airport when I got a call from my boss.

"Hello? Ms. Adams?" He said.

I responded and waited for his message.

"Are you ready to go to the airport?"

"Oh yes! I already called a taxi"

"That won't be needed. I shall be at your place soon to pick you up"

I didn't know if to be relieved that I wouldn't have to pay a large taxi fare since the airport was pretty far from my apartment or feel very nervous that my boss was going to pick me up. It certainly wasn't professional, that I thought. I didn't know what to say because he was probably almost at my place. So after pausing for a while, I agreed, thanked him as he ended the call. Now I had to disappoint a taxi driver. Not too long later, I got a call from my boss saying he was in front of my apartment. I let him know I would be down in a few seconds but as I ended the call, the taxi driver called immediately. I picked it up and let him know I would down soon as well. I couldn't tell the taxi driver on the phone that I wouldn't be riding with him. So I picked up my things, locked my apartment and took the elevator to the main floor.

On getting outside, I saw the taxicab and what looked like my boss' ride almost close to each other. I went over to meet the taxicab first and apologized to the driver since I wasn't going to ride with him before handing him some change. He initially looked pissed but after I gave him some change, he smiled and drove off. Struggling with my little suitcase, I found my way to the car that I sited my boss who was seated at the back of the passenger's seat. His driver came out to help me with my luggage as he placed it into the trunk. I looked into the car and saw that Elliot, one of my colleagues was seated at the front so I opened the back door and joined my boss on the passengers' seat. I guess I wasn't the only one being picked up. I greeted as I entered and thanked my boss for his offer to ride me. He only flashed a smile as he concentrated on his iPad. None of us said anything until we got to the airport. We met the others at the airport including Sebastien. We were about seven in number. In less than an hour, we got on the plane to Dudley.

While on the aircraft, I couldn't help but think of the meeting we would be having in Dudley with the other companies. We finally arrived at our destination and were each booked into a room at a four-star hotel. After a brief discussion with my colleagues and boss, we went into our separate rooms. My boss' room was directly opposite mine and the rest were surprisingly scattered on every other floor. I got into my room and relaxed on the very soft mattress. I was a bit tired and hungry even though dinner that night was to be by 8:00pm. I managed to freshen up, did a few things before joining every other person at the dinning room. Everyone was dressed casually since it wasn't an official dinner of some sort. We dined and laughed and talked. I hadn't really seen any of my colleagues in that kind of mood. It was refreshing to see that everyone was having a good time besides being all professional. I found myself really enjoying everything except that Sebastien was always staring me, making me feel a little uncomfortable. I noticed every time and I'm sure he would have noticed that I noticed but that didn't stop him from staring. After a while, I excused myself and told them that it was time for me to retire for the night but as I walked a distance away from them, I heard Sebastien excuse himself too. I went up to my room floor regardless.

I had almost turned the handle of my room door when Sebastien who was a stone's throw away from me called my name. I ignored anyway and entered my room, locking the door behind me. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't leave me alone. It wasn't like there was ever anything going on between us. I just didn't understand the reasons for his actions. He knocked on my door and pleaded that I open it. I was really resistant at first but then I decided not to be mean so I opened the door.

"Can I come in? Please, Siphiwe?"

"Sebastien! I don't get it. What do you want? I told you I've heard what you have to say and it's fine but let's just stick to being professionals. Like just let me be okay"

"Siphiwe, just give me another chance okay?"

"How can I? When you still see other people. Sebastien, please can you just leave everything behind. We are at work and everything should strictly be business. I beg you. I'm not even ready to think about anything other than that right now. I need to rest." As I said this, Sebastien's expression changed. It changed into a mad face from him being all sorry. He didn't even say anything, not even a goodnight before leaving my presence. As he walked down the lobby, I saw my boss who met Sebastien on his way and greeted him. I guessed he was heading for his room since it was just opposite mine. I immediately shut my room door and locked it.

The next day, we had a board meeting with one of the companies we were to meet up with. I had dressed up and was packing my files when I heard a knock on my door. I couldn't help but wonder why because I hadn't called for any room service. I walked up to the door and opened it to find my boss standing before me.

"Good morning, Ms. Adams. I came to see if you were ready. We have to be at the board meeting soon."

I told him that I was ready and I only needed to pick up a few things before joining the rest. He smiled warmly before leaving my sight. I picked up the files and my bag before leaving my room.

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