Chapter Seventeen

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The arrival of the Councillor unnerved her to no end, especially after what she had uncovered while she was still living in the palace.

Here was the man that assisted in banishing Lord Reylor, now at his doorstep insisting the Empire needs his help now more than ever.

Bria was not a part of their meetings, but she knew enough.

The Councillor's arrival was not unplanned.

She traveled light, packing only the barest necessities in the leather satchel on her hip.

Obtaining the Key was easy enough; Lord Reylor had spent a majority of his time crafting the artifacts during his evenings with Master and continued to do so as if they were a hobby. She would not be able to use it within the Borderlands, that she knew. Their magic to the Otherrealm worked only within the Empire, which was yet another curse of their banishment.

Saying goodbye to the young prince was the hardest part, and she was thankful he slept as she kissed him upon his tiny brow. The infant would be in good care—Reylor would never allow harm to come to his son.

With the Councillor now residing within the castle, the guards and mages drew their attention away from the tree line between the lands, which could have been detrimental to their forces if there were any to oppose them. Lucky for Bria, she was able to sneak away, and arrived at her old cottage in record time.

A thin layer of dust covered the minimal furniture within, and all seemed to be as it was when she left it a year ago. Her cheeks flushed at the memories of her trysts with Reylor within her now empty bed, and she had to remind herself that it was for him—and only him—that she made this uncertain journey.

She only prayed that bringing the Queen Empress and Crown Prince back to the Empire would not become the source of her emotional undoing.

Reylor's Lament | The Empire Saga Novella #1Where stories live. Discover now