Chapter Sixteen

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The moment he was informed that they had detained an intruder from the Empire, Reylor did all he could to keep from running down the stairs. Had his brother and the Empress returned to the Empire without his knowledge? Would they truly attempt to cross into the Borderlands to retrieve Lexan? All of these questions and more ran through his head as he bounded through the halls of the castle, eager to meet the unexpected visitor from his former homeland.

His mages brought the guest into the castle's main hall, which he himself had not used since his last dinner with Alexstrayna. Would she be as eager to see him now as he had been to see her then? There was so much for them to discuss since her departure, and the feeling of elation he hadn't sensed since his first dream of her coursed through his body.

But the elation dwindled, and his gait slowed as he considered that it was not Alexstrayna who called upon him, but his bastard of a brother instead. It would be very like Treyan to show his face within the Borderlands, despite the traitorous actions it would ensue. The Councillor never allowed him to pass beyond the tree line in the past, but then again, there was no longer a Council of Lords to decide what was right or wrong.

Bria had seen to that.

His only regret was that the Councillor and his over-confident self-righteousness had not been a victim to her butchery. There had been no word about his situation since Reylor left the palace in ruin, and he was more content for it. The Councillor had orchestrated his banishment from the beginning- Treyan never would have sent him away if it wasn't for that manipulator twittering in his ear. Reylor stupidly gave them the fodder for it, but he wouldn't be caught off-guard again.

Who could it possibly be then?

Jamison, Treyan's captain of the guard? It would make the most sense. Reylor knew he remained loyal to Treyan within the Empire, for it was under him the lingering forces protected the ruins of its palace. It was also his wife who was murdered on the day of Treyan and Alexstrayna's wedding. Swearing to himself as he slowed to a halt, he cursed the former Mistress. She lacked the moral code Reylor and his brother had adhered to since they were younger, but once Bria had shown Reylor what she was capable of, there was nothing he could do to stop her when the need was before them.

The door to the main hall waited right before him, and Reylor suddenly had a pit within his stomach. Whoever it was, they were from the Empire, and they remained the enemy. Squaring his shoulders, he nodded to the guards that stood outside and they opened the doors without further announcement.

Taking a breath and adjusting his shirt, Reylor walked into the hall to greet the visitor as if he had every confidence a Lord Steward should.

Every ounce of that confidence shattered the moment his eyes fell upon his guest.

The figure sat at the end of the long table that reached the length of the hall. It could have been anyone, but it was what lay on the table between them that caused him concern.

On the table was a torn book, tattered and burned as if it fell through the underworld and back. The tome lay open and from where Reylor stood the pages appeared to be blank. He dared not ask what exactly he was looking at for fear of the answer he would receive. Instead, he glanced to the intruder within his castle, swallowing his anxiety as he maintained his composure.

The hood had been removed by the time Reylor looked into his eyes, and he froze in place as he met the familiar glare.

"W-hat are you doing here?" Reylor asked incredulously, barely able to get the words out.

"My Lord," the Councillor began as he stood from where his chair, "there is much we need to discuss."

Reylor's Lament | The Empire Saga Novella #1Where stories live. Discover now