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fluxed - (urban vocabulary) usually used in describing a person: confused, burned out, possibly wigged out. (Possibly a shortening of flummoxed.)

flummoxed - Confused, perplexed or flustered.





I can’t believe it, after five tries, and this is how it would end? It was just like old times, I would aspire to win, but then, failure would come eating right back at me, I can only reach the freaking top ten. I could not get past the top five. Oh God I am such a fool to have wished for a minute that I would win this time.

My name is Samantha Briscoe and I just turned nineteen three months ago. I couldn’t say that it was a good nineteen years of existence. It actually sucked for me. I have had a lot of serious issues, and when I say issues, I really mean ISSUES.

If child abuse by my baby-sitter wasn’t reason enough for me to complain for my unlucky life, then maybe you could toss in the list of my endless ‘loses’ from the past competitions my adoptive parents have forced me to join. 



My name is Robert Greene. I may be a lot of things, but right now, I am only willing to divulge a few facts about me. I am twenty one years old, and I live alone. I started to run away from home back when I was sixteen. So that makes it five years of an almost-independent life. Of course, I still turn to my...err... Wealthy parents whenever I need anything

I just had to get away from my whiny excuse of a girlfriend. I couldn’t take it. She kept bitching (pardon my vulgarity) about how her hair lacked some hair spray, how dull her makeup looked like, and worst of all, how she kept tripping on her long gown. I don’t even know why I started dating this chick. She’s clearly crazy as hell. Because of my desperation to get away from her for even a minute, I snuck into the contestants’ dressing room. I know, it’s wrong in so many levels, but, the girls weren’t here anyway since the contest was not yet finished so.... Why not?


Author's Journal:

This is a new book, and I thought of it as my Christmas break 'escapade'.

Now this would not be like the usual stuff I put up here... Well it would be a bit like 'Hook, Line and Sinker' but this would have no supernatural or paranormal or suspense (in a 'Sunset Shadows' or 'Stare If You Dare' kind of way) touch to it. ;)

I hope you'll  enjoy this. But please. Don't stop supporting my other books. :D

All my love,

Amie Ambers. :D

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