Facebook Account

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I promised to make this announcement through my message board but I guess I'm too excited to let everyone who added this story to their reading lists know that I've finished creating the official fb account for All Girls School  today. All the real pictures of the characters in every chapters of this story were there. It is in private since I find it risky to expose their pictures to the public. Due to this, I can only allow really few people whom I think is responsible to keep my characters away from being unmasked to others who don't deserve to even have a glimpse of what they look like. Especially the stories of Jocelyn and Annet which I realized were both intriguing and should be kept protected from being published to strangers. So I am pleading you, Yes! You. Help me decide if I can include you to have access on this fb account by sending me your private message as to why I should accept your request to see them. I only speak and understand two words, English and Tagalog. I have a tip. If your message is in Tagalog, make it in pure Tagalog, choose the right words to say and give it in details. I don't like it "taglish". In that way I could feel if the person sending the message has sincere intentions or not. Same with messages in English, I know I have readers who would prefer to communicate in english too. I respect that and have read all your personal messages. I have a favor to ask though, Please compose your messages in full English. Use your subject verb agreement since I will only read the message once and if I find it non-sense, I will leave your request forever pending. We both don't want it to happen so T H I N K and C O M P O S E it

P R O P E R L Y before submitting yours. Make sure your reasons are in line with answering the question: "Why do you want to see them?"

The email address of the fb account is: allgirls.school@yahoo.com

If you want to search it by name just enter: Lallaine Llar

(I tried changing the fb name to All Girls School but it wouldn't allow unreal names on fb so let's just stick to the author's name)

I will be waiting for your message on fb and I wish you a Goodluck! Chao!

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