appendix 3

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On Saturday, 5th of March 2005, three Indonesian scholars visited the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra to talk aboutruqyah. Theywere, H. Budi Ashari, Lc, H. Ahmad Junaidi, Lc., and H. Ahmad Zairofi,Lc. Ruqyah literally means "protection through ducā(supplication, prayer)"; technically it means "recitation of Qur'ānic verses and transmitted ducās and in transmitted way (from the Prophet) for the purpose of protection and treatment (against devils)." In a pamphlet Mr. Junaidi stated, after three years of treating thousands of patients disturbed by devils, he found two motives for people's dependant on jinn, namely, 1. Lack of faith, lack of knowledge of the religion of Islam, wrong way of worship, and the mix up of religious law with tradition. He cites the following Qur'anic verse,"If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of (Allah) Most Gracious We appoint for an evil oneto be an intimate companion to him."(Q. 43:36, A.Y. Ali's translation).Lack of faith leads to restlessness, worry and sadness. Instead of returning to Allah one resorts todukun(indigenous medical practitioner, shaman, fortune teller), amulets, and visiting placesclaimed to possess supernatural qualities. Lack of knowledge of religionrenders a person to fall into Satan's misguidance by turning truth intofalsehood and vice versa, for example, believing that every supernaturalthing iskarāmah(miracle worked by a saint given by Allah). ManyMuslims learn witchcraft thinking that it iskarāmah. Mistakenly theydivide it into black and white magics, whereas in fact it should bedivided into white and black witchcrafts. People practising innovatedway of worship are liked by devils who are ready to serve them, such asreading Surah al-Jinn such-and-such times with the intention to see the jinn, or any other similar intention. There are still many rituals and
Beliefs based on culture contradictory to Islam are still being practiced,and usually with the assistance of Satan.2.Taking a short cut to gain one's goal. Allah says in the Qur'ān,"Verily all thing We created in proportion and measure."(Q. 54:49).

Therefore, since Allah has passed His judgment on everything, oneshould not rush to get what one wants. It is Allah's divine decree that will come to pass, whether we shall eventually get or not what we want.Many Muslims have forgotten this principle. For example, a poor person would come to adukun seeking wealth. A woman who is afraid to become a spinster would go to a paranormal, hoping to help her infinding a husband. An employee who wishes to be favoured by his employer and to get a quick promotion would buy an amulet for obtaining authority, and a merchant who is short of customers would seek and keep things that have "magic power" to stimulate sales, suchas a figure or design with mystical properties written in Arabic scriptwritten at the door, and perfume given with magic spells, salt spread inthe yard. A man seeking invulnerability (to bullets, knives, etc), instantmastery of martial art, the ability to hit from a distance and to break a manual water pump with bare hand, would come to the "kyai" (title or reference for a venerated scholar, teacher of Islam), or join a trainingthat looked like a mere physical exercise, but in fact it containssomething not mentioned to the participants.Mr Junaidi states further that most of people who are dependable on jinn suffer from:1. Inconsistency in establishing prayers. They often miss the prayers or do them very lately, or on time but without khushū c

(humility), and feelsleepy when they listen to the recitation of the Qur'ān or to the Fridaykhut .bah(sermon). Such phenomena had been experienced by acompanion of the Prophet calledcUthmān ibn Abī l-cĀs.. A dailynewspaper reporter in Jakarta suffered from headache without anyapparent reason and had cold sweat on Fridays so that he could notattend the congregational prayer. 222. Family problem, quarrels and lack of intimacy between husband andwife, blind jealousy, and excessive suspicion occur in the family. Manyof them have no children, and on the brink of divorce. This occurred toa woman under the age of 40 who came to Mr. Junaidi for treatment. 3. Failure in economic orientation, business destruction and irrationality inseeking wealth. As an example, a former manager of a foreign businessliving at Krawang, about 40 years old was tempted by the enticement of adukunto get billions of rupiahs from an invisible bank (run by jinn).Instead of getting money from it he became bankrupt, lost everything, position, house, even his wife asked him for divorce. 4. Psychological disturbance, such as being upset easily, excessivesuspicion, paranoia, inferiority complex, andkesurupan(being possessed by a spirit). 5. Experiencing problem in sakratu'l -mawt (the agony of death). A man of 74 years old, a former master of martial arts was laying at PertaminaCentral Hospital, and had been 12 days at the Intensive Care Unit, andnobody was allowed to approach him. One of his grandsons asked Mr.Junaidi for conductingruqyahfor his grandfather. The man passedaway 2 days after theruqyah. Among thousands of patients treated by Mr Junaidi, he noticed twomain characteristics:1. Those who are serious in their effort and certain of the validity of Islamic way (of treatment). They understand thatruqyahis not only ameans for treatment, but also a part of Islamic faith to save the belief intawh.īd (the Oneness of God). A professor of management who oftenlost his money in his bag, asked Mr. Junaidi to performruqyahto hishouse. A woman who suffered from brain concussion by jinn was curedafter doingruqyahfour times on her 2. Those who just wanted to try out theruqyah.They did not havesufficient knowledge about it. Some of them thought that, like thedukunsor magicians who could promise things to be fulfilled quickly or predict the future, asked Mr. Junaidi the same questions, and thoughtthat he could see the jinn. Many of them, although they were positively possessed/disturbed by jinn, could not be patient and did not want to dowhat had been suggested to them as treatment, as they were only trying 23it out. No wonder, such people could not get any improvement fromruqyahtreatment.The massruqyahwas successfully conducted after the speech. The participants, mostly Indonesians, were asked to lie down and asked Allah'sforgiveness. Mr. Junaidi who was conducting theruqyahwarned the jinn(devils) if any (in Indonesian language), inside the bodies of the participants to get out through their feet, hands or mouths. Otherwise, after counting one to three, they would be burned with Qur'ānic verses, whichMr. Junaidi recited loudly. Most of the verses recited dealt with jinn and protection from black magic. Br. Dawud Dohri, a converted Hindu, toldme that he felt that his hands became stiff for a moment. One personvomited; the jinni might have come out through his mouth. Alhamdu lillahI successfully passed this "screening".

One more chap,only remain,for this book 😍😍

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