Jinn and its religions.

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Among the jinn are Jewish, Cristians, Buddhists and Communists. There are some Muslim jinn, but their numbers are few, like a drop of water compared to ocean. Like humans where Muslim jinn also fight Communists jinn. When there was no non-Muslim jinni, the Muslim jinn assisted the mujahidin in Afghanistan against Soviet Union's invasion. Some of them wore green clothes. Some people thougt they were angels.


Qarin is a kind of jinn who always accompanies man. Every human being has a qarin for man and qarinah for a female. The qarin and qarinah are a special kind of week jinn who have no sexual desire, and therefore they never married.

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet said that every human beign is accompanied by a qarin (a jinni accompanying a man), When one of his companion asked him, "Even you , O Messenger of Allah ?". ,he answered, " Even me but the jinni who accompanies me aslama (has become Muslim." Qadi Iyad's reading) , aslamu ( " I am save fron him, al -Khattabi's reading)

In another hadith the Prophet (s) says that one can control his Qarin like a traveler controlling his camel.

According to Ibn Kanjur the qarin of the author is called Abduk Hadi. He is staying on his right side.

The author related that he had a discussion about Islam with his friend, a lady called Sahar. After the discussion she embraced Islam. Her qarin whieared discussion converted also to Islam and changed her name Izis to Fathima, and was so happy that she cried out of happiness, amd moved from her left side to right side.

Not only human beings have qarins, but also the jinn themselves. They are a special kind of jinn; they are lighter and Red Jinn, and cannot be seen by ordinary jinn, except in if they are under the influence of blacn magic (like human,jinn also practice black magic,they have also magicians and scorers), or drink water with magic then they can see their qarins.

A jinni can be appeared like another jinni. Like humans, a jinni can be possessed by the devil. When Ibn Kanjur, the converted jinni, tried to cure a possessed jinni, his qarin appeared in the form of six different jinn, speaking in different languages. When Ibn Kanjur tried to talk to them one answered in Urdu, another in Arabic, and the other in other different languages.

The appearance of Virgin Mary's apparition on the top of church was common among tte Cristian Egyptians, especially ib the 60s. According to Ibn Kanjur, this was the work of a jinni who mastered medical science. He said that medical doctors among the jinn were more knowledgable and more advanced in theur fields than human medical doctors. They were active in propagating Cristianity that had been abondoned by Ibn Kanjur.

There is no doubt among Muslims of not only existance of jinn but also of their power of reason. Like humans, they are accountable of what they do in this earth. Like humans, some are good and others are bad, and they will be rewarded or punish in the Hereafter according to their deeds in this world. Allah says in the Quran ,

"Many of the jinn and men We have made for Hell. They have heart wherewith they umderstand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle --nay, more misguided: for they are heedless (of the warning) ." ( al-A'raf [7]:179).


Will b continued in next chap.. till that bye...

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge.. ameen.

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