Jinn and its religion -2

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We have also seen in the Quran chapter 72 surah al-Jinn (the jinn) speaking about this hidden creatures, as well as chapter 76 called surah al-Insan (Man) speaking about human being. In surah al Nas (chapter 114) it is mentioned that the evil whisperers are amonv jinn and human beings. In surah al -Rahman (chapter 55) Allah mentions the creation of jinn and man, reminding them of His blessings on them, followed with the rhetorical question questio فباي الاء ربكما تكذبان "then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men ) deny? " thirty three times.

Ibn Kanjur said that in India (he originally from Bombay, India) the jinn have what they called "Holy Fire". Young people who venerated cows jumped into it in order to free themselves from the "dirty " life . Then a devil appeared in the form of the young man, saying ," Now, I m in the sate of bliss and happiness".


Jinn servants and slaves....

Prophet-King Solomon enslaved a group of jinn. There were even jinn among his army.

Black Magic and Its Types...

Speaking about black magic , Ibn Kanjur said:" It is an illusion,imagination ,but could be dangerous and could kill." He has tens of black magic cases. There was a man who was bewitched, controlled by jinn. His hands became paralyzed for seven years. He went abroad for treatment, but unseccessful. Eventually, he died strangled when one the jinn came out of his body.

Among the kinds of black magic are:

A. That causes hatred between husband and wife, ending with divorce and the black magic that causes her to meet another man.

B. That stops man's activity, buisness, for example , so that he became bankrupt , or that caused a woman have difficulty in finding her mate .

C. That causes pain in human body which cannot be treated with medicine, such as pain in body and paralyses in limbs and swollen liver.

D. That enters the woman's womb, stopping the flow of her egg, and her husband's sperms so that she becomes infertile and could lead to cancer ..

E. That enters the girls womb to prevent her from marrying by inflicting disease in her face to delay the coming of a future husband.

Being possessed by devil is among the dangerous black magic. There are two symptoms of it. 1) sudden isolation . 2) sudden change in a part of whole face , such as red and black colour , and sudden attack on people , occasional nightmare; having the feeling of falling down from a high place that scares him and feling the pain.


May Allah protect us and our family nd beloved ones from black magic... and evil eye..

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