I'm Really Just Asking To Leave - Chapter 9 - Death

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I'm having fun writing in Damien's POV :D

•••Chapter 9•••

•••Damien's POV•••

Almost instantly after we got out of the car Leo and Hailey both complained that they were hungry- at the same time.

They were so much alike. Believe it or not, even though he was only nearly two, he had already started to use sarcasm. Hailey was so proud when he first said 'Really?' in a sarcastic tone. He was just too smart for his age. By fifteen, he'd probably be smarter than me.

Anyway, after Hailey and Leo announced they were hungry, we were led like sheep to the nearest decent looking place to get food. I glanced around the menu, and frowned. "Damien, what do you want?" Hailey asked me, clutching my hand in both of her own from the other side of the table.

"I, uh, I'm not hungry," I lied. I would rather die than eat any kind of cruelly slaughtered animal from this place.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"If you're sure."

Everyone else ordered, and everyone else had meat. Leo didn't, though. He never seemed to want it, no matter how much we tried to feed it to him. I wasn't quite sure if it was because he didn't like it, or because I never ate it. Although it could have been some other reason I hadn't thought of. It honestly wouldn't surprise me. Even if he was only a little kid, I could see the intelligence flickering in his eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Hailey asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." She looked at me suspiciously, but I just smiled reassuringly. It took just around ten minutes for the food to arrive. Leo, since he wasn't very hungry either, finished first.

"Leo," I whispered, poking him. He looked up at me.

"Dad," he whispered, poking me back.




"Shut up."

I chuckled. Hailey probably taught him that. "Hailey."

"Hm?" She looked up from her food.

"Did you teach Leo to say shut up?"

"Maybe... why, has he said it?"

"Shut up," he interrupted. Hailey smiled approvingly. "Fuck!"

Hailey's eyes widened. "He did say fuck!"

•••Third Person•••

"He-" Damien started.

"You said he said foot!" Hailey accused.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I-"

"Why would you teach him something like that?!"

"It wasn't-"

"I told you about this!"

"I know, I-"

"Now, thanks to you, our son is swearing at us!"

Damien stayed silent. He knew she was right.

"What if he says that to my parents?!"

Damien looked down, ashamed.

"Why did you even swear around him? You know he picks things up quickly! You're so irresponsible, all the time!"

Damien snapped. "Well maybe it wouldn't have slipped out if you weren't so fucking judgmental of me, or maybe if you stopped shouting at me all the fucking time!" As soon as it came out, his eyes widened. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

Leo made a sniffling noise. Everyone looked over at him. Tears were falling freely down his face, and his cheeks were bright red. He jumped off his chair, and ran out of the restaurant as fast as his legs could carry him.

Hailey and Damien exchanged a quick glance, before they both got up and went after him. Everyone else got up and followed after them, while Jay and Helen left money on the table.

Leo, oblivious to the truck driving straight towards him, ran into the road.

"LEO!" Damien's eyes widened, and instantly afterwards he dived into the road after his son.

"Damien!" Hailey tried to run into the road after Leo and Damien, but Mikey grabbed her hand before she could.

Damien pushed Leo out of the road, and took the full impact of the truck.

Hailey ran into the road and fell to her knees next to Damien. He was still alive, but only just.

When he saw Hailey, he smiled. "I saved him."

Hailey was speechless, but Damien just shook his head. "Don't be sad." He used what little strength he had left to pull himself up. He kissed Hailey softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," Hailey replied, her voice cracking.

Damien let go of Hailey and dropped to the floor.

"No, Damien! Don't leave me! You can't! Please... you promised... in your wedding vows... you said... please, don't go. I can't- I can't live without you. Just... hold on. Please... for me, for Leo!"

A car drove past, and slowed down to see what was happening. Gerard walked over to it and kicked the door, making a rather large dent in it. "Fuck off!"

If the circumstances were different, a few people may have laughed. But they weren't.

Damien was well and truly dead.



I cried writing this.

I love you, Damien. I'm sorry ):

Song for this is 4:AM Forever by Lostprophets.


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