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Hiccup was at his desk, fallen in his thoughts.

Valka, his mother, came up to him from the back, looking at him, sadness shown in her eyes.

"Hiccup..." she quietly called her son.

"Ah, mother..." Hiccup looked back, "What brought you here?"

"Astrid told me what happened with the new dragon and with Toothless..." Valka looked at the Night Fury who was sadly lying in his corner.

"Yeah? Well, I know I was right," Hiccup frowned.

"Hiccup, dragons may seem strong and bold, but they have a soft heart... If you help them, they never forget, but if you make them sad, they also never forget... You must apologise to Toothless. No matter he behaved badly, you should still understand him. You're trying to protect your people and keep order, so you demand obedience from others. Same is for Toothless - he's an alpha, a king! He protects the dragons of Berk and can't stand disobedience..."

"Yeah, maybe I was indeed too harsh with him..." Hiccup scratched the back of his head, "I just try to keep order, as you said... As dad always did..."

"Don't try to be your dad Hiccup, try to be you," Valka smiled and caressed him on hair.

Hiccup beamed back. Then he approached Toothless, who miserably looked at him and softly purred, looking away. Hiccup sighed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry bud, I made you sad... Please forgive me..." he smiled, and touched him on the nose.

Toothless widened eyes from happiness, and closed them, feeling the warmth of his master's hand. It was not only his master, but also his friend... his dearest friend...

Valka smiled.

"There. Now you're friends again. I'm glad for you".

"Thank you, mom," Hiccup beamed to her.

"You're welcome, son".

Valka walked out, leaving the two friends in peace.

It was night. Everybody was sleeping, but Helga, this one-handed former dragon destroyer, was having nightmares, and was fidgeting in her bed, frowning and moaning. Bloodwing woke up and looked at her surprised, then getting worried. She quietly grizzled and nudged her master.

Helga woke up and took a deep breath, being scared. Then she saw Bloodwing and sighed from relief.

"Ah, Bloodwing, it was all just a dream..." she looked at her dragon, "But it was a total nightmare, seeming like a reality... I should tell Hiccup, right now..." her voice became crying. "I got so terrified... But maybe... it won't be good to wake him up, he's a chief, he needs to rest at least at night... I'd better wake up someone else, who still has no job..."

Helga and Bloodwing walked out of their house and headed to the twins' one.

Helga quietly knocked on the door and then slowly opened it. It creaked.

The twins were sleeping together with Barf and Belch, their dragon. Helga walked up to them, and quietly whispered:

"Tuffnut! Tuffnut!"

Tuffnut was snoring.

"Tuff!" she raised her voice.

Tuffnut roused up and fell off his dragon's head, shrieking and waking up Ruffnut, who frowned and looked down at him.

"Can you be quiet?" she puckered.

"Oh sorry, a siren voice woke me up!" he scowled back, getting up, feeling pain on his spine.

"Ugh there are no sirens here you muttonhead!" Ruffnut got angry.

"Guys, it was me who called you, I'm sorry..." Helga said.

The twins looked at her.

"Oh, got it," Ruffnut calmed down, "What's the matter?"

"Let me guess, nightmares again?" Tuffnut asked with a cold face.

"Yes Tuff, unfortunately," Helga sighed.

"Yeah it's fine, come on, let's take a walk," Tuffnut took her hand and walked out. Bloodwing followed them. Ruffnut got back to sleep and soon started snoring.

Tuffnut and Helga were walking along in the fields, watching the sea from above.

"So, what did you see now?" Tuffnut asked.

"The same dream pops up again and again," Helga sighed, "I sense that Bard the Terrible is somewhere out there, and he is hunting for me..." tears filled her eyes.

"Why won't you tell Hiccup?" Tuffnut got surprised.

"Uh he's a chief! He doesn't have time for senseless dreams..."

"But if you say your dream has a sense, then it indeed has it, and it needs to be revealed to the chief," Tuffnut put his hand on her shoulder, "Trust me, tell him. Sometimes Hiccup is really annoying, but he is very good at making plans. He will be able to help".

"Uh thank you Tuffnut! You always listen to me! I can always trust you!" Helga happily hugged him, "Thank you for being serious with me on this affair..."

"I can be serious at times, when it's necessary," Tuffnut beamed, "although I love being crazy guy with adventurous heart. But I guess you're the same, losing a hand in a battle with a dragon, that's so crazy and adventurous!" he giggled, hitting the girl softly on shoulder.

"Haha, yeah, I guess you're right," Helga giggled, "I think you're the nicest boy here... You have less flaws..."

"Oh, thank you for the compliment... Actually, everybody here thinks that my sister and I have the most flaws," Tuffnut laughed.

"Well, they're wrong," Helga smirked, "Anyway, thank you for taking time to listen to me, it makes me more relieved," she smiled.

"I'm glad to help," Tuffnut beamed.

"Goodnight Tuff, and sorry for disturbing," Helga kissed him on cheek, sat on Bloodwing and went back to her house.

Tuffnut widened eyes, and smiled from delight.

"You're welcome, beauty..." he murmured, and walked back to his hut.

Hiccup and Toothless: Mystery of the FuryWhere stories live. Discover now