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Fishlegs was in the library, reading every book attentively. The researchers of dragons now wanted to find a land where all types of fish would be, so they could feed their dragons with delicious meal.

Fishlegs was viewing the manuscripts, when suddenly a tiny piece of paper fell off the shelf. He got surprised, and took it, opening it.

He instantly widened eyes – it was showing a completely new, unknown land, and above the picture of the island, there was a black and white circle – yin and yang illustrated!

Fishlegs ran off.

"Hiccup! Hiccup!" he cried furiously and ran into Hiccup's house.

Chief Hiccup was fallen in his deep thoughts, frowning. He had no time to run for adventures anymore like before, as he was now a chief and had his responsibilities...

When he heard his dear friend's cry, he raised his head and looked at the dragon researcher.

"What's wrong, Fishlegs?" he asked.

"Hiccup, look what I've found!" Fishlegs showed him the paper.

Hiccup frowningly looked at it and raised eyebrow:

"A white and black circle? Wait, what's written under it? It is... 'Fury'. What should 'Fury' mean?" he was surprised, and then he looked at Fishlegs, "Where did you find this paper?"

"It fell off the shelf in the library," he answered.


Hiccup, Fishlegs and their friends gathered in the library in the evening together with their dragons and put the paper on the table, discussing what it should have meant.

"I think it should be some kind of a riddle," Astrid assumed, "What must white and black circle represent?"

"It meant a constant battle between light and darkness in Eastern mythology..." answered Fishlegs, "Eastern people were very spiritual, they counted that the universe is ruled by light and dark energies..."

"Dark energy? Well, Toothless, as a night fury, possesses dark energy, right?" Snotlout giggled.

"Actually, you have a point, Snotlout," Fishlegs smiled, "Toothless is indeed kind of a dark dragon".

Suddenly they heard a blast. Instantly the paper caught fire – Barf and Belch had shot from their mouths!

Everyone frowned at Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"What?" Tuffnut giggled, "That is just a stupid piece of paper..."

"That stupid piece of paper could help us find a new mystery to solve!" Fishlegs got irritated.

"Hey, guys, look!" They suddenly heard Astrid's voice. They looked at the paper, and saw how the burned mark had surrounded a conour of a white dragon picture which had appeared on the paper!

The dragon had closed eyes, and was bent as the white piece of the circle above on the paper.

And the burned mark was showing a black dragon itself, bent just like the black part of the circle. The white and black dragons with closed eyes were touching each other.

"Wow..." the friends widened eyes.

"White and black dragons... 'Fury'... But... But it is a Night Fury here!" and Hiccup showed the burned mark representing a black dragon.

"Indeed!" Astrid widened eyes, "It is a Night Fury!"

"Wow..." Snotlout was astonished, "And what's the white dragon then?"

Fishlegs widened eyes.

"Guys... I think it could be a whole new species!" he exclaimed, and grabbed the book of dragons, turning its pages and searching for a similar dragon. He didn't succeed, but it brought him joy – it meant that the white dragon was indeed a new species! He looked at Hiccup with puppy eyes: "Oh, Hiccup, please, let's search for it!"

"Yeah, but we will need to leave someone in charge while Toothless and I are gone," Hiccup hesitated.

"Count on me," Snotlout proudly smiled.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"What?" Snotlout frowned.

"You? As a substitute for a chief? Haha, that's ridiculous!" Astrid giggled.

"Huh..." Snotlout got angry.

"No, I'd better leave Helga. We will need you with us Snotlout," Hiccup finally decided, "I will tell her right now. Let's go".

"Yes!" Fishlegs was happy.

Thus, the friends took the paper which served as a map, warned their friend, the owner of Wisdom Fire, Helga, that they were leaving her in charge, and flew off Berk.

"Who knows bud, maybe we can finally find your friend..." Hiccup looked down at Toothless, who looked at his master and grizzled quietly, as if saying that he already had a friend beside...

Hiccup and Toothless: Mystery of the FuryWhere stories live. Discover now