Chapter 25

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A couple of hours later I was sitting nervously at my desk, alone with my thoughts. My stomach felt like a pair of squirrels were fighting in it.

“Milord?” I heard a voice quietly venture from somewhere out in the hall. I turned my head, and saw Talia standing just beyond the open doorway, a hint of nervousness in how she held herself. She was gorgeous, the flickering torchlight from the hallway causing her golden curls to practically glow, stone arch framing her as she simply stood there, looking at me.

My heart thrummed oddly for a quick moment. If I hadn't spent the last hour rehearsing, I probably would have forgotten everything I'd been planning to say right there.

“Yes, Talia. Thank you for joining me,” I said, waving at the chair opposite mine. “Would you care for a seat?”

She entered the room a few steps and stood there, arms clasped at waist height.

“Is it necessary that I be seated, Milord?”

“It . . . not at all, but I just figured that if you would prefer, uh-”

She smiled daintily and remained standing where she was.

This whole thing was awkward. She probably wanted it that way, come to think of it. Maybe I even deserved it a little. Fine, I could deal with awkward.


“Well, first things first, then. Talia, your involvement in the events of this past week has been extremely helpful. You've been an important part of everything that's gone right lately, and I wanted to make sure that you knew I was grateful. Also,” I smiled a little, “since you may not have had a chance to find out for yourself, I wanted to tell you that now, because of your actions, Blackstaag Keep may never smell the same.”

She smirked a little at that. Good. I allowed my own smile to get a bit wider.

“In addition to my gratitude, I wished to make sure that you were compensated appropriately,” I said, tipping my head towards a purse that lay on my desk, and then frowning at it a little. “It feels awkward to even offer, but considering how many bonuses I've been handing out lately, it didn't seem fair that-”

“Money would be fine, Milord,” she interrupted, bobbing her head slightly as she reached for the coins. “I'm not complaining about the wage that I do receive from you, but apparently it fails to take into account some things you didn't know about.”

“As to that,” I said, giving her a thoroughly chastened look, “I wish to also make a few corrections on that score. Your wage. Shall we say, an extra fifty gold?”

She simply stood there, hands clasped.

“Uhh . . . a week?” I added, hastily.

“That would be most kind, Milord,” she said, nodding.

I nodded back, a little relieved.

“There was also some mention of you perhaps . . . wishing to leave my service. Understandable, all things considered, but if I may, I'd like to offer you an alternative. I currently plan to have Cyrus, in addition to the majority of my staff, occupying Greybridge Keep while I remain here at Tucat Keep. Since you are keepmistress here, and furthermore, since you are the longest serving member of my staff, I offer the position of keepmistress at the new keep to you, if you wish it. There would be a much larger staff there, and you could have as much or as little authority as you desire over them.”

Talia pursed her lips, considering.

“And what is your wish, Milord?” she asked after a while. “Would you like me to accept it?”

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