Questioning Everything

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Everything was by random. I wrote everyone's name on a paper, and created pairs. This is the question I asked everyone.
Hey what's a random question you'd ask someone?
From there I'd send person A's question to their partner and vice versa. They didn't know there were partners or that I'd legit ask these questions. You. The one with the odd question. Thanks -_-

•Cat and Seb
•Rach and myself
•Dylan and Rebecca

Cat's question for Seb:
Can I smell you?
Seb's response:
If you want to.
Seb's question for Cat:
Do you like breakfast? I do.
Cat's response:
I'm not big on breakfast food.

My question for Rach:
Have you ever tried to lick your elbow?
Rach's response:
Rach's question for me:
What do you regret the most?
My response:
Not being more open when it's important.

Dylan's question for Rebecca:
Can you fly?
Rebecca's response:
If I try.
Rebecca's question for Dylan:
Do I know you?
Dylan's response:
No. I mean yes. Plot twist I'm your long lost cousin that grew up in Antarctica with penguins.

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