Chapter 9

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Looking into his clear blue eyes, I knew I could tell him everything. I knew he'd understand. I just didn't have the chance to tell him.

Because before I could even get a word out my dad showed up.

He skidded to a stop on the other side of the pond and hopped out of his rig without turning off the big truck. I could see the anger radiating off of him even from afar and I knew I was in trouble instantly.

I hurriedly jumped to my feet and West followed suit. We watched as my dad rounded the pond and came to a stop about 5 feet before us. West, sensing the tension, moved in a defensive position in front of me. My dad eyed him up and down while West did the same. Neither looked ready to say anything so I decided to speak first.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked poking my head around West.

"One of my buddies called me and said my daughter was out here fucking around with some guy," he answered me without taking his eyes off of West, "So this is what you've been doing? Whoring around with some punk ass loser?" He said with all the disgust he could muster.

"I wasn't dad! It's not like that at all, he's my friend, he helped me out!" I pleaded.

"Yeah sure whatever like I'm going to believe a slut like you." He leveled his snake like gaze at me.

The movement was lightening fast, I barely knew what happened before it was too late, West had tackled my father. they were rolling around on the ground in a fury of fists. At first, it seemed West had the upper hand, he was throwing staggering punches left and right. But my dad was bigger and I knew all too well how strong he was. All it took was a few good hits and he got the best of West within seconds.

When my dad was done with West, he was nothing but a groaning lump on the ground. I felt sick to my stomach. After everything he just told me, I couldn't believe I was the reason he was getting hit again. He didn't deserve this. It was all my fault, all my problem and I sucked him in without even realizing it. I wanted to run up to him and help him but my dad grabbed ahold of me and dragged me back to his awaiting truck. He threw me in and drove off, muttering how I was gonna pay for my friend's dumb ass choices.

I could care less, I was more worried about West. I didn't take my eyes off of him while we drove off. He didn't move the whole time and I was afraid of just how bad he was hurt.

We made it to my house within minutes. My dad didn't hesitate, he snatched me by my hair and through me out of the car.

"I expect your ass to be home every night do you hear?"

I nodded from my position on the ground. My dad snatched the back my head by my hair turned my face up to look him in his eyes. 

"And that boy? You will have nothing else to do with him, do you hear me?" When I hesitated on my answer he tightened his grip on my hair, "Do you fucking hear me?" I slowly nodded again. He let go of my hair and I dropped back to the grass.

"I suggest you take your ass inside and get those chores done now," he said turning away from me. I picked myself off the ground and brushed off my pants and went inside.

__  __

I was finally back in my own room after hours of cleaning. Robin took this opportunity to give me any job she could think of, of course. 

I took a quick shower to get rid of the thin layer of grime on my skin and settled into bed for the night.

It had been a long day. I couldn't believe it was only yesterday that West first walked into my 8th-period class. So much had happened. I went from barely knowing the guy to watching him take a beating for me. The thought of him lying there on the ground like that wrenched my stomach again. He didn't deserve to be hurt because of me. 

I was still worried if he was alright, I hadn't really got to check on him. Looking at the clock on my night table I noticed it was only 8 something, more than likely West would be awake. I didn't have his number but I knew where he lived at least. I didn't care what my dad said; he'd been left alone enough in his life, I wasn't gonna leave him too. So if it took breaking my promise to him to make sure West was ok, so be it. 

But then I remembered my car was still at Gary's. I fell back against my pillow, my dad still hadn't given me my keys either. But I needed them so I could get my car for work and school tomorrow. 

Taking a deep breath, I set out of the room to go face my dad yet again, hoping he'd just give me the damn keys without too much argument.

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