Chapter Six

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It took hardly no time to get to his house. We pulled up to some old apartment, the kind we only have on the edge of town. He parked and hit the unlock button for the doors.

"Before we go in, I must warn you, my room-mate will probably try to hit on you."

"Your room-mate? I thought you came down here to live with your uncle, Gary?" I asked, remembering my boss saying something about that earlier.

"Yeah, well plans changed, so now I'm staying with my friend" he said, with a strange bit of annoyance to his voice. I wondered idly if something happened between Gary and West.

"Okay" He started to get out his car but stopped when he noticed I hadn't even moved.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked from outside the car while he leaned against the door jam.

"Umm..Your not like a murder or something right?" I asked hesitantly. He started laughing, at first it was just a snicker that turned into and all-out laugh fest. He even pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.

"It's not funny okay? I just want to know!"I yelled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well, cupcake, don't you think its a little to late to ask? I mean one, your already at my house and two, I could easily outrun and out-power you. And another thing, if I was really planning on killing you, do you honestly think just because you asked me I would tell you the truth?" He shook his dark hair and gave me a slight smile,"You are some kind of naive." He turned to head into the house and I hopped out the passenger seat to follow him.

"I'm not naive you know" I said behind him while he buzzed up to his room-mate on the intercom.

"Sure thing, cupcake." A slight buzzing sound emitted from the door telling us that it had been unlocked.

We walked up three flights of stares, me traveling behind him because I refused to give him the opportunity to stare at my butt, before we finally made it to his apartment. He pounded on the door until a tall, shirtless guy covered in tattoos and piercings answered. When he noticed me standing behind West, he gave me a smile which stretched the piercings in his lips.

"Well, well, well West got him some company tonight." He winked at me while still smiling and let us both pass him to get into the apartment.

Once inside, I tried to look around the room without looking like I was looking (if that even made sense) and came up with the conclusion that both West and 'piercing face' were lazy slobs. In almost every nook and cranny there were either wrinkled clothes, pizza or other takeout boxes or beer bottles. The carpet was littered with cigarette butts and beer caps. The old couch and table, which were the only furniture in the room, were also covered in various things. I think I even spotted a pile of dirty magazines.

"Well if your done checking out the place you can take a seat." 'piercing face' replied which made my face heat from embarrassment of being caught. I watched as he walked into the small kitchen area that was really no more than a sink, a fridge and a microwave. He pulled open the small fridge and took two beers out. West and I were already seated on the tattered couch when 'piercing face' finally returned. He handed West one of the beers and leaned against the side of couch closest to me.

"So beautiful, what are you doing here with a guy like West?" He asked flashing, yet again, that ring covered smile. Jeez his piercings looked like a first grader attacked him with a hole puncher. 

"Jealous much Jonah? Your just mad because the rats you bring up here never look half as good as she does." West said jokingly. Jonah laughed and reached over me to bop the back of West's head.

"Yeah, whatever West, you act like your usual chicks aren't uglier than my rats" He said straightening himself until his back popped.

"You both act like I'm not siting right here." I said pointedly, and both boys let out a light snicker. West down the rest of his beer and Jonah wondered the room taking sips from his.

"So I figured I could sleep on the couch and you can take my bed" West said talking to me. I instantly felt bad, here I was putting someone out of there bed just because of my problems. 

But before I could tell him I'd take the couch Jonah interrupted me.

"Wait, so ya'll ain't sleeping together?" He asked with a confused look on his face, pointing a finger between the two of us.

"Nah, man its not like that. She just needed someplace to stay." 

A wicked smile crossed Jonah's face and he turned his attention to me."So sweet thang, since West here ain't man enough to get ya' how about you stay in my bed tonight?" He said slyly. I honestly couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was serious so I decided to respond like it was the former.

"Yeah, in your dreams hole-face." I said with a smile. He clutched his chest like I'd wounded him but kept a smile on his face the whole time. 

After a few hours more of this bantering between us three, and after a few more beers were downed by the boys, Jonah finally went to bed muttering something about work in the morning.

"I want to apologize about earlier" West suddenly said to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to think back to earlier, but honestly this day had been so long I didn't remember much of anything before now.

"You know earlier, at work, when I said I was just trynna score. That wasn't true at all"

"Its cool, doesn't matter much now." I said with a shrug. 

"But I won't apologize about calling you naive" he said around a smile.

"And why not?" I asked turning my body toward him and tilting my head slightly.

"Well, because it's true. You are pretty naive." I rolled my eyes.

He leaned in closer to me and beckoned me forward like he wanted to tell me a secret. He moved so his lips were near my ear and whispered,"But thats not a bad thing, Cass." which sent shivers down my spine.

When I turned back toward him I knew he was about to kiss me. I could sense it. But I wasn't going to let him. At least not when I looked like this and he was near sloppy drunk.

So when he leaned in closer to me I put my two fingers on his lips and pushed him away then got up and walked into his room.

Before closing the door, I caught the look on his face. And couldn't help but to laugh. 

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