Chapter Three

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I headed outside to the parking lot and started to make my way to my car. I noticed a flash of dark colored hair near where I parked and my breathe stopped in my throat. Was it 'blue eyes'? Did he some how sense the feeling too? How did he find my car? Suddenly my heart was beating uncontrollably and I didn't even understand why.

But once I got close enough I could tell that the person was in fact a girl and that girl was in fact Hayden. I sighed in a mixture of relief and disappointment. Then plastered on a smile for my best friend.

She rolled off the hood of the car and came to face me. A little to close I might add, but then again Hayden never respected people's personal boundaries. She was close enough that I could smell her strawberry scented shampoo.

"Did you see the new kid?" She asked beaming at me excitedly. 

"Umm, I think so. He might of been in my 8th period class but I'm not sure" I lied, not even knowing why I did. Why did it matter to me if she knew?

"Oh, well trust me he is GAH-worthy" she faked shivered and smiled brighter at me,"I wonder if he's single," she paused while she considered something and bit her lip,"I bet he's not a virgin"

"Hayden!" I said giving her a playful shove.

"What? I'm serious. Like I bet he's a pro," she paused to bite her lipstick covered lips,"Ugh the things I'd let him do to me"

I shoved her again and laughed, trying to cover the pang of jealousy I felt. I considered myself a pretty average looking girl, but my friend was supermodel worthy and what she wanted she got(especially in the boy department). If she had her mind set on him, it would only be a matter of time until he was on her arm. I sidestepped her to unlock my car and threw my back pack in.

"So I'm guessing you have to head to work, huh? Well I text you later babe" She gave me a brisk side hug then strutted off to her own car. 

I had to speed the whole way to Gary's, the mini mart I worked as a cashier at, just to get there on time. I clocked in a minute before I was suppose to.

I threw on my smock and straightened my name tag. Out the corner of my eye I noticed my boss (a creepy, annoying college sophomore) Mitchell and Gary (the owner of the store obviously) walk out the corner office.

I wasn't one to eavesdrop, but they were so close I couldn't help but hear what they were saying.

"So I think we can start him out slow, collecting carts, bagging groceries you know." Gary said scratching the scruff that was growing on his chin.

"I can't help but to agree sir" Mitchell said beaming at Gary.  I rolled my eyes, the brown-noser annoyed me so much.

"Now, he's gonna think he deserves some sort of special treatment, just because he's my nephew, but you make him understand that your the one in charge when I'm not here. You got that?"

"Oh yes sir, its well known I run this place with an iron fist" He punched a balled fist into his other open hand and I almost burst out laughing. This must of caught Gary's attention because he called me over to their little meeting. Gary dismissed Mitchell, which only irritated the creep.

"Cassidy, I'm glad I caught you before I left. My nephew is coming to work for me here and I was hoping you could keep a watchful eye on him, make sure he stays in line."

"Um sure, I don't mind." 

"Well good, good. I don't need him getting into trouble here too, he's gotten into enough of it back home."

"Trouble? How bad is he?"

"No, no its not like that. He's a real good kid, just has had a tough life and doesn't know any better. A little rough around the edges but he'll smooth out, you'll see when you meet him." He paused to check his watch,"He should be here any minute"

I heard the bell that signals a new customer ding behind me.Suddenly that feeling, the same one from earlier return to the pit of my stomach. 

Gary's face beamed and he waved the person who just entered over to us. Then, as if a dream (or a cruel twist of fate) there was 'blue eyes' standing next to Gary. They gave each other a short embrace then both turned to me.

"Cassidy, this is West, my nephew."

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