chapter 11

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The younger kids then flew like comets out another portal, sending them straight back to Slavesdale.

"Mom! Dad!" Timmy called as he then used his jet pack to take him to his house in this horrible universe.

Darla, Amber, and Annabelle soon followed after him the same went for Atticus, Mo, Cherry, and Murray.

"Timmy, please stop!" Annabelle begged. "We can't let you lose Cosmo and Wanda!"

"I promise, I know what I'm doing!" Timmy called as he rushed to his house as Crocker had shown up to hold his parents hostage.

"Crocker, let his parents go right now!" Atticus glared.

"You're all done giving me orders!" Crocker smiled evilly to the heroes. "Surrender, or I turn these two into ice sculptures and transport them to the Sun!"

"I... I... I..." Timmy fell to his knees and hung his head. "I surrender."

"There's gotta be a way to free Cosmo and Wanda and get the muffin back without revealing who they are." Darla whispered.

"Just trust me, okay?" Timmy whispered back as all hope looked lost, at least, for now.

"I win! I knew I'd win!" Crocker cheered. "Do you know what I like even better? When other people--" he then used his scepter to trap the younger kids into chains. "LOSE!"

"Wait, before you waste us, can I at least have one last word with my mom and dad?" Timmy requested.

"Why should I allow that?" Crocker asked.

"Because all the great super villains allow last requests." Atticus said.

"Don't you wanna be a great villain?" Cherry then asked herself. "It would give you an amazing rep and you'll go down in history..."

"Well, I've always been an under achiever, Iwhy should I settle for villain, when I could be a great evil villain?!" Crocker replied. "Very well, but make it quick." he then released Timmy's parents.

"Atticus, do something!" Mo urged.

Atticus soon used his magic on the magic muffin in the chest of Crocker's armor and teleport it to them without the evil dictator noticing.

"Timmy! Amber!" the Turner couple smiled and rushed to their son and niece in embrace.

Annabelle and Darla smiled to that sight at least.

"Normally I don't like the chain look, but you guys pull it off quite nicely." Darren smiled.

"You great evil monster!" Susan glared at her son's teacher.

"Thank you, I was going for that." Crocker smirked, not knowing he was missing something in his armor.

"I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!" Darren slammed his fist into his open hand.

Crocker snapped his fingers and Atticus secretly used his magic so nothing would look suspicious just yet and made grizzly bear paws appear on the man's hands.

"Hey, 'bear hands'!" Darren smiled.

"Aunt Susan, Uncle Darren, no!" Amber cried out. "He's too powerful."

"And it's all my fault..." Timmy admitted. "None of this would've happened if I hadn't gotten mad at you today."

"Oh, Timmy, we're sorry too." Susan frowned.

"Oh, for Pete's sake, pick it up, people!" Crocker growled out of impatience.

"But no matter what happens to us, no matter what Crocker does, just remember that this will always be true," Susan cooed to her son. "We love you!"

Darla's Abra Catastrophic AdventureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon