chapter 8

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Back on Earth, Crocker laughed as he ran with Wanda in his clutches.

"Wanda, come back!!!" Cosmo rushed to save his wife.

"Cosmo, stop!" Timmy called out as he stopped the green-haired fairy. "He'll capture you too."

"But I love her!" Cosmo got out of his grip. "We gotta save her guys, we gotta!"

"Cosmo, I'm really sorry about this." Bippy chattered.

"This is all your fault, you poop throwing primate!" Cosmo glared.

"We love her too, Cosmo, but we have to work together, we won't let anything happen to her." Murray tried to soothe the fairy.

"But I'm useless without Wanda!" Cosmo frowned. "I can't even clean my ears without Wanda!" he then magicked up a Q-Tip and thudded it against his head. "See? MY EAR'S NOT CLEAN!"

"Cosmo, please calm down." Annabelle tried.

"Yeah!" Amber added.

"Don't you realize what this means?!" Cosmo sounded hysterical. "I have to start dating again! I'm terrible at small talk! Go on, one of you ask me about the weather!"

"How's the weather?" Darla asked.

"JEFF!" Cosmo got in her face before looking even more miserable. "See? That makes no sense! My small talk stinks!" he then curled up in the air and sucked his thumb.

"Okay, Cosmo's gone bye-bye, guys, looks like it's up to the six of us." Timmy said.

"Muffins here!" a man with a delivery cart called. "Fresh banana nut muffins!"

"AWESOME!" Bippy cheered and rushed off to get some muffins.

"Okay, girls, it's up to us," Timmy then said. "Now, if you were Crocker and you finally captured a fairy, what's the first thing you'd do?"

"Rub it in the face of my students." Darla groaned out of annoyance once she thought of what Crocker would do first.

"Good thinking, Darla." Amber smiled to her best friend.

"To the school!" Annabelle called.

"Shall I get us there by magic?" Murray asked.

"Um, if you insist..." Timmy shrugged.

"Murray, take us to the school." Annabelle told her fairy godfather.

Murray soon used his magic to teleport the five of them and Cosmo to the school.

Annabelle still had her wand at hand. "Who knew this was really magic though?"

"Because, it was from your mother before she passed and was once part of the Winx Club, but that's a story for another time." Murray whispered.

"Huh?" Annabelle looked curious.

"Annabelle, there's some things you never knew about your mother." Murray replied.

"What did I not know about my mother?" Annabelle asked.

"I'll explain later, we have a mission right now." Murray said as he surprised his godchild that he knew more about her mother than she did despite being a stranger in her life until their first adventure together.

They soon saw some glowing coming from Crocker's classroom.

"Crocker must've used Wanda's magic to make himself big and flashy." Amber assumed.

"Yeah." Timmy said.

The students looked sort of calm and bored so far as Mr. Crocker came in.

"Hello, children, I have big news!" Mr. Crocker smiled evilly to his class. "I'm quitting teaching--"

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