chapter 6

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"Atticus is hitting girls, Maisy is a leopard cub, I go to school on a vine, Cherry is bored of her life..." Darla looked out to her new surroundings. "Actually, that's normal... BUT I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!"

"Quiet! Before the ape overlords hear you." Patch whispered.

"Ape overlords?" Darla asked.

"Darla, surely you've heard about this in your history class the ape overlords allow you to go to," Patch said. "But primates rule the Earth, if you disobey, you could get into trouble."

"Okay, that's it; we have got to get that Fairy-Versary muffin back." Darla said.

"Fairy-Versary...?" Patch tilted his head at her.

Suddenly, a vine appeared with several schoolchildren.

"Come on, Darla, don't wanna be late for school!" Atticus picked up his younger sister over his shoulders to give her a boost.

"Oh, right." Darla said before she saw an ape who first looked serious, but then smiled nervously at Atticus.

Atticus gave a thumb's up to the ape who then smiled and gave a thumb's up back.

Darla held onto the vine as tightly as she could and they were then swinging off to get to the elementary school. She then looked up and groaned at her hair. "Ugh, my hair bow's a bone now?!"

"Speak for yourself." Amber groaned.

"Could be worse..." Annabelle sighed as she swung with them.

"Yeah." Timmy sighed before he saw how beautiful Annabelle looked either as a normal girl or as a jungle girl.

"Timmy, you're here!" Amber smiled up to her cousin. "If you're here, then that means that we have someone who give us the tools we need to chnage the world back to normal!"

"Yep." Timmy nodded.

They all then landed on top of the school after the vine took them to school.

"So Atticus, which class are you gonna be the assistant teacher in?" Darla asked.

"One hint: Your teacher is crazy." Atticus said.

"Crocker..." the girls deadpanned.

"Correct." Atticus nodded.

There were moments before class.

"Guys, I know Crocker still believes in fairies in this world, he has to," Timmy said to the girls once it was just the four of them while Atticus went to talk with Mr. Crocker about volunteering in his class today.

"It's Mr. Crocker; what do you think?" Amber asked.

"After class, we'll think of something," Timmy decided since they weren't able to go anywhere for now other than the classroom."

"Agreed." the girls agreed.

"Are your houses weird too, guys?" Darla asked. "I mean, my kitten was a leopard cub and Patch was an African Wild Dog."

"Yes." Timmy, Annabelle, and Amber said.

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna lose my mind..." Darla held her forehead.

"Come on, we better get to class." Amber suggested.

And with that, they did and sat in their desks as Mr. Crocker gave a lecture about the 'Decler-Apetion of Independence'. And where Atticus was in the classroom too as the teacher's assistant.

"You know, if it weren't for the sake of being historically accurate, I would say that's a horrible pun." AJ said.

"Well, I for one am grateful that we live in a world where our ape overlords allow us to share their innocence of wordplay." Chester smiled nervously.

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