Under the Gold

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"Won't you go out and kill the man who took my arm?" Asked a woman of thirty, pushing her breasts against the back of a boy that was seventeen years her junior. "Please, it was very mean. All I did was pass through his land, I didn't do anything to him." Pouting as she intertwined her fingers into his purple hair.

He sighed, bowing his head down. "Yes, I will. Anything to keep you happy." Seriousness took over his face, standing up from the black chair. "I will kill anyone who hurts any of us, more over, you." Turning around to face the woman of his commands.

Setting his own hands on the side of her face, leaning in towards her. "Let me borrow your eyes." Locking ice blue with soft orange. "Show where this man is." Gathering information from his elder.

"Be sure to let me see when you get back, it's not a sure victory of only one person sees it." Licking her lips to take a drag from her now lit pipe. "Make it quick." Clenching the polished wood in her mouth, snapping her fingers.

Closing his eyes,"Yes ma'am." Leaving the vicinity, and everyone who was inside. Covering the base with a camouflage of earth.

Then dashing his way to where that man was.

"No one is forgivable if they hurt them, a crime that is not swayed by age or gender; in the end they will die." Coat blown back by the night time winds. "Good night." Looking ahead if him with death centered eyes.

"Hayley, always sending other out to clean up your messes." Complained another man, this one looking the same age as the woman with the pipe. "When are you going to take responsibility for your actions?" Putting his forehead into his palm.

"Now, now. Why do things yourself when others are willing to do it for you, that's my motto." Smoke exiting her lips as she spoke, disappearing into the air.

Instantly her arm was anew, moving it around to get used to.

"Besides, he'll do anything you tell him to." Leaning forward, making her cleavage more noticeable. "Or, that's what he does for me at least."

"You'll never learn." Looking away from the temptress. "As long as he comes back alive is all we need to worry about." Leaving the woman with her constant passes.

She slyly smiled,"He will, don't doubt that; he won't die."

The cold air hit his face as he ran, short breaths were taken. Emitting clouds of steam when he exhaled.

"Almost there." The morning still sleeping and night wide awake. Clenching his teeth when he stepped in front of a small house. "This is where he resides." Clicking his tongue in disgust.

Looking around to find that nothing or no one was watching his muderous deed. When he confirmed that the coast was clear, he was set. "Perfect, this will be too easy." Knocking on the door with the back of his hand.

Moments passed by and the wind softly howled. A light came on as a figure went to the door. Peeking through the glass before opening his house to a stranger.

"Can I help you?" He asked as the door opened. "Do you know what time it is boy?" Yawning at the end, staring around to the pitch black darkness.

"I am aware of the time sir, but I must ask you a series of questions." No expression shown on his face. "Why didn't you report that someone was on your land? Did you tell her that she was trespassing? Why did you go to such drastic measures to get rid of someone who wasn't doing anything but walking?"

"Boy, what are you talking about? If it's that incident with the lady, well I'm sad to say sorry if that was your mom or something but I don't tolerate people passing on my soil." Slight aggravation in his tone now.

"You have committed a crime that I will not take lightly." Lowering his eyes. "You do not know who I am, nor will you ever, but listen to this, when my syndicate is hurt in the slightest I will exchange your life for their pain." Brackish tears falling for his eyes, a cheshire smile invaded. Whispering,"Go, my water will feel like fire and burn your pitiful life to the ground." Catching the water as they fell from his insane filled eyes. "Water arrow." The liquid taking shape, and penetrating the man where his heart lied.

Screaming in pain at the sharp stab, falling back as the water spread across his heart; burning like acid all the way through. Dying a slow, pain filled death.

The boy never broke sight until his deed was done, gazing upward to see a girl who had watched the entire ordeal.

Hands covering his mouth in attempts not to scream or cry. Tears flood her horrified yellow eyes, pulsating at the death of her father.

Standing at the foot of the stairs, dressed for bed.

She stumbled and fell back onto her rear, words coming out inaudible and jumbled.

"You saw?" Titling his head at the distressed girl. "Huh, you look my age." Flashing in front of her, getting lost in her sun yellow irises.

"You will not tell anyone of this, if you do I doubt they will believe you. Keep this locked away, never to be released." Upturning her chin with his index finger. "You are a very beautiful girl, and will be in the future." Leaning in by her ear. "Keep this our little secret."

Suddenly a wave hit him, feeling like he was heating up.

T-The hell?

Losing balance and falling on the girl's shoulder.

She was startled, shook with terror. Her body was frozen, holding up the boy who had just killed her parent.

Who is this person, what are they doing? Is he going to do the same to me?

Tears streaming down her cheeks, still as silent.

He regained mustered strength,"You shouldn't cry you know." Wiping her eyes. "It's not attractive.

Weakly smiling with pain written all over, tucking hair behind her ear. "Until we meet again, my princess."

In an instant he vanished, leaving her alone with the corpse of her father.

Fingers ghosting her lips,"W-Why couldn't I do anything?" Crawling towards the lifeless body in the doorway. "You died because I couldn't do anything, this is my fault." Crying loudly, draping her arms across his chest. "You're dead because of me!"

He could hear her screams of pain and agony, they rang through his head. "Princess, please don't cry any more." Crying without his will, not able to stop the tears. " Speeding home to report what he had done.

"Madam Hayley, I am back." Said the boy bowing before the woman, sadness painted in his eyes. "The mission has been completed." Lifting his head.

"Good boy, now come here." pulling him close to her, one arm around his neck, the other placed on his lower back, bodies touching with no space. "You always do a good job, now show me." Looking into his eyes, watching the entire playback.

Laughing as the man she called wretched died,"This is exactly what I wanted. That man died a rightful death." Confused when the picture shifted to another. "Wait, who is this." Sensing a threat from the girl in view.

"She was the daughter of that man." He said straight, pushing himself away from the woman. "I have fulfilled me duty to you, I will take my leave." Turning around to walk away.

"Hm, seems you've been struck with the desire. Falling for a girl you don't even know, and most likely won't ever." Tracking her dress up farther. "You can't give that love to me?"

He continued on. "No, she has become my desire, she is the one." Shaking at the very mention of her. "If I know nothing of this girl, that is fine, but she will be mine one day; for she is my lost princess." Hand over his eye, fingers spread so he could see through. "No one shall ever take her place." Fading to black as he went to his quarters.

Inside his room was bare, nothing but a bed and light. "Welcome home, Flynn." Laying down on the softness of a red blanket. Closing his eyes, drifting to sleep with the cries of her still repeating in his mind.

Five years went by and neither her nor him had seen each other since that fate filled day. The world was split into two; gold and the rust that laid underneath.

Either fight for your life or give up and die, because the precious metal was chipping.

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